Thursday, March 16, 2017

STUPID ACTRESSES? STUPID MANAGERS? Blame the Victim of Photoshop Frauds?

Here's a seller who, right out in the open (not even in the sneaky EBAY "adult area") is selling hundreds of fake porn images.

He infers they are REAL. Nothing about "Fantasy images" even. He acts like today's top stars love to pose naked because they are mindless sluts and whores. He obviously hates successful women, and from his smelly shack in Texas, demeans them for profit.

It's a profit CEO Devin Wenig of EBAY shares, which makes Wenig a pimp. 

Let's take a look at the last paragraph. Do you see anything there about "I have a signed model release which, under penalty of perjury, I can produce?" NO.

Do you see anything about "In compliance with FEDERAL LAW, I have the model's consent, and a signed form on file." NO.

And EBAY doesn't demand such a caveat? 

We can't just blame EBAY, where they run a Scientology-like set of compounds full of nameless and faceless drones. We can't blame them for being like all the other Internet pigs, and smirking from behind weak DMCA rules and sassing, "We're JUST a venue." We can't blame them for posting bullshit "Terms of Service" that state they don't allow "obscene" or "offensive" materials...and then pretending nothing is "obscene" or "offensive." 

Part of the blame goes to places like the Screen Actors Guild, who, since the days of Melissa Gilbert, have done very little positive for any union members, and have NEVER sent a warning to members about eBAY porn and NEVER offered to have a VeRO rep end this abuse. Imagine that: a union that doesn't look after its members and stop abuses for them. What are SAG members paying their dues for? For a bureaucracy of stinkers who have been corrupt and obnoxious for years and years? William Daniels was the last SAG president who mattered. FACT.

Part of the blame also goes to STUPID actresses who either don't know or don't care that the Internet gets even more lawless day by day. At this point, SAG members are losing a fortune in royalties due to piracy. It's not just that STUPID actresses are now routinely being subjected to hacking, to "mean Tweets," and to no respect. But really, if a woman doesn't look out for herself, doesn't have enough brains to avoid "wardrobe malfunctions," and seems to thrive on slut-publicity, do you blame eBay's pigs from exploiting this with fake nudes?

WHO are some of the STUPID actresses? This jerk in Texas is exploiting, among others, these STUPID actresses who aren't demanding stoppages via VERO@EBAY.COM:

STUPID Eliza Dushku.

STUPID Jennifer Love Hewitt.

STUPID Jennifer Connolly. 

STUPID Jessica Biel.

DUNCE Kirsten Dunce.

And many more. The fact is, you don't need to be a lawyer to be a VeRO rep. Any of these women could appoint a relative. Mommy. Sister. Even a fan club president. 

It takes less than 2 minutes to find and report offending auctions. Is that too little time to spend on helping to turn back Internet abuse, and to teach offenders about copyright and intellectual property? 

"Oooh the lawless Internet!" It doesn't have to be THIS lawless, that the biggest auction site in the world is loaded up with obnoxious offensive exploitation porn on so many female celebrities.  The more it's allowed the more is permitted, and the more of a scab, or a callus, is formed so that people start thinking this is no big deal. No big deal when somebody's private pictures are leaked? No big deal when somebody humiliates and degrades someone else with Photoshop porn for profit on eBay? Really? 

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