Tuesday, February 28, 2017




He's the pedophile who is to Emma Watson what Brian Mitchell was to Elizabeth Smart. 

Notice THIS picture, which is still on eBay (along with 250 others) as of today, February 28th:

What you DO NOT SEE is a reference to PAYPAL.

PAYPAL does not tolerate offensive materials, obscene materials, pedophilia materials, counterfeit materials...and this is a violation of all four. 

PAYPAL also believes in Federal Law, which is that a MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT is vital in the selling of adult material. Dirty John has NO agreement with ANY woman.

Ebay? Individual actresses have sent in takedowns against Dishonest John, and grudgingly, eBay "restricted" his account. 30 days. 30 days. 30 days. That's like a rapist being given 30 days each time he assaults a woman.

It is hoped that EBAY will now join PAYPAL in agreeing that this type of auction should NOT be allowed. Amazon certainly doesn't allow the sales of images like this. 

John should be in jail. He should be getting therapy (along with his wife) for his sociopathic, sex-offender level misogyny. At 66, his preying on a woman a third of his age is most disgusting. 

A big, big THANK YOU to PAYPAL.

Hopefully NO eBay seller of Photoshop fakery, or "ex wife" and "ex girlfriend" material will have the ease and luxury of getting sales via Paypal's credit card system.

Hopefully EBAY will enforce its own Terms of Service AND Federal Law, and end the abuse aimed against women who have not CONSENTED to being sold as objects of derision and humiliation by a few demented sex offenders. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Imagine...Gloria Allred and a CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST EBAY

The key word: CONSENT.

EBAY has consistently ignored Federal Law, which requires that sellers of nude photos have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT.

Gloria Allred has been in the news for years, talking about the issue of CONSENT in the Cosby case.

How about EBAY victimizing women who have no idea an "ex-wife" or "ex-girlfriend" set of nude photos (or faked nudes) is selling in eBay's hidden "adults only" section of the site? 

How about the offensive and often viciously hateful and misogynistic Photoshop pictures of famous women being gang banged, raped, hung upside down and put into bondage? 

Perhaps the ACLU would like to take this high-profile Scientology-like billion-dollar website on? Why is it EBAY employees are in a Scientology-like compound and can't be reached? Why are the CEO's in hiding, and ignore Twitter or phone calls? Why is it Ebay's main number in San Jose hangs up on you if you don't have the five-letter "code" to reach an employee? 

The Scientology-like EBAY has only a few high-profile L. Ron Hubbard types (Devin Wenig, Marie Oh Huber) who are even known to the general public. The rest are obscure little drones who are on a power trip, deciding what rules they'll enforce and who they'll ignore out of spite. 

All THIS site wants, is an enforced rule on "celebrity nudes" in that hidden sneaky "adult" section, and the "ex-wife" and "ex-girlfriend" stuff. 

Make the sellers state: "Under penalty of perjury, this photo is posted with CONSENT of the model, and I will provide the document and the contact information of the model." Make celebrity nude images illegal. 

This site would like nothing more than to remove all content and praise EBAY for showing the same morality they do in blocking KKK and Nazi material, the sale of chloroform or tobacco, etc. etc. 

But if some jerk at EBAY would rather be a Fascist, fine. Ebay can go to court and lose millions of dollars. EBAY can see their CEO being chased by TMZ reporters and other high-profile sources asking why he allowed the abuse of women. EBAY can see their sales plummet as people boycott a site where pedophilia images (Emma Watson) and crude rape images of the President's daughter, are sold. People can choose AMAZON instead.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


In the real world "offensive" and "obscene" are easy to define.

In the Scientology-type compounds of Internet giants, where soulless businessmen get golden parachutes for helming places like PAYPAL and EBAY, the definition blurs. 

Don't YOU tell a businessman what is "offensive" and "obscene" when he's making money off it. 

According to PAYPAL and EBAY, these images are not "offensive" or "obscene" and do not violate their "Terms of Service." 

A "fantasy" image of Jennifer Aniston being tied up and raped by a machine.

This "fantasy" image of Anne Hathaway, with Photoshopped mascara-tears running down her face, being gang banged and humiliated.

Images devised by psychotic basement-dwelling woman-haters are downloaded and sold on EBAY.
The sellers didn't make the images. They just decided he's easy money. Here's a way to be a pimp and make money off successful women who don't deserve respect.

Check other articles, including the one on MELANIA AND IVANKA TRUMP, which includes THIS picture that "Jose Mo" is snickering about making money on: 

In the sneaky hidden "adults only" area of eBay, Hathaway and Aniston and the others aren't likely to see this stuff. But maybe they will, when a deranged bidder asks them to autograph the image, or simply stalks them, because degrading rape images aren't enough. 

The tragedy is that if women pictures complained, and got the items removed (eBay removes "intellectual property" violations), the seller would be free to abuse 100 other women. Ebay's logic is that just because a few women complained about visual rape, it doesn't mean the seller doesn't have deals with the others. And they won't ask him to show a signed model release of age or consent. 

PEDOPHILIA is fine with EBAY. Maybe Emma Watson was only 16 and her face was slashed off and put on a porn body also underage. Only Emma Watson can have this item removed because EBAY (and PAYPAL) don't consider the image Obscene or Offensive. 

Do you suppose a woman working at PAYPAL or EBAY would find it "offensive" if somebody put their head on the body of a tortured naked woman with her breasts in bondage? Maybe? 

You can be sure that in the sanctified halls of EBAY offices in Draper, UTAH and San Jose, CALIFORNIA, no guy could pass along a photo of a female eBay employee like the ones you see here, and expect to keep his job. 

Or wouldn't you want to work at EBAY or PAYPAL to find out? EBAY and PAYPAL seem to be as nefarious as SCIENTOLOGY, don't they? They don't want ANYONE to tell them what to do. They hide their identities and contact information. 

Store owners and business owners have offices you can visit and call. You can speak to someone in charge. Not so with PAYPAL and EBAY. 

Except...PAYPAL AND EBAY are still located in the United States, not RUSSIA. There is the matter of law. It is against the law to sell pornographic images without a model release. 

ACLU. Justice Department. President's Office. 

When will EBAY specifically declare that "celebrity nudes" are offensive materials, and that NO seller of amateur porn in the "secret adult section" can do so without signed model releases on file? Is class action and a multi-million dollar lawsuit the answer to their obnoxious apathy and/or Fascistic stubborn refusal to be moral? 


"We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it," said Donald Trump.  
Hmm, maybe JOSE, of EBAY, is going to donate the money he makes of Ivanka and Melania fake nudes? Help Mexico pay for the wall? 
No. I don't think so. Do you?
JOSE has hundreds of these "fantasy" nudes. He imagines all women being degraded, visually raped, humiliated. Then he, SeƱor Pimp, makes enough to have a nice free breakfast, lunch and dinner at his favorite Fast Food joint every day. Ha ha. 

Ivanka? Donald Trump's daughter? Sure. THIS image as well as the one above, are on EBAY right now, FEB 23rd, in their sneaky "adults only" area, which is reached by using the scroll menu on the main eBay page, to "everything else: adult" category. 

You know what's offensive here?

That EBAY does not find these two images offensive. As you see from other images below, including under-age Emma Watson, or stars in excruciating gangbang and bondage "fantasies," EBAY will turn a blind eye if there's a profit involved.

If you find this offensive, if you think EBAY should change its rules, CALL THEM ON IT. Call them at 866-540-3229 

Tweet them, especially the obnoxious @EBAYNEWSROOM and @ASKEBAY. Ask them when they will start respecting women. KKK images aren't allowed. NAZI images aren't allowed. But images against Melania and Ivanka and all women...that's allowed? WHY? 

Ask the EBAY NEWS ROOM when the news will be that women are PROTECTED, and that no woman's images, Photoshopped or Stolen, end up on EBAY being pimped by some asshole who doesn't have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF CONSENT.

Lastly, to the TRUMP FAMILY. Your intellectual rights are as important as ANYONE ELSE'S. This isn't "freedom of speech" this is PRODUCT. While none of us can get anywhere, right now, reporting the item to "offensive materials" YOU can get the items removed by contacting vero@ebay.com. 

Perhaps Donald Trump should write an executive order demanding that EBAY obey FEDERAL LAW and stop allowing sellers to post photos without a signed statement of AGE AND CONSENT. 

Isn't it time for JOSE to get a real job and stop being a disgusting greasy parasite? He and too many others like JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and vintage_art_paper are pimps who make money with illegal, obscene and offensive materials that...would you believe it...EBAY does not consider offensive! Who runs eBay? MANSON? 


Sunday, February 12, 2017



EBAY SELLERS. RIGHT NOW, TODAY, in EBAY'S sneaky "adults only" area (which you see by using the scroll down category menu to "Everything Else, ADULT") 

Yes, some guy named JOSE figures he should make $10 off a fake nude of Melania Trump.

Melania could stop this by having someone contact VERO@EBAY.COM with a takedown request, but ANYONE should be able to report an item like that and have it removed.

EBAY should obey FEDERAL LAW, which states that a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT is mandatory for pornography.

PAYPAL should also revoke the accounts of sellers like these, because PAYPAL's "Terms of Service" prohibit sellers from offering "obscene materials" and most "pornography." 

Here's something else: Not only are famous celebrities being abused on EBAY, so are ordinary women.

Women are marching.

Women are standing up for their rights. 

But on EBAY, women are humiliated and abused. An ex-husband or ex-boyfriend can sell their pictures WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. THESE items are on EBAY today, in their secret "adults only" section: 


In the headlines, a hacker who was sent to jail for leaking celebrity nudes. Guess what. Those very nude images are being SOLD ON EBAY. Yes, EBAY SELLERS are profiting from pictures that are in violation of United States Law.

U.S. law on pornography: Sellers must have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT. This is a law EBAY happily ignores. Today in the Adult Section of Ebay (you reach it by scrolling the category menu on eBay to EVERYTHING ELSE, ADULT): 

Here's the story of the Hacker who is now in jail, which is where the EBAY sellers should be:

Why should EBAY allow sellers to sell pictures THIS guy was arrested for? Leaked photos, faked photos...ANY photos sold by creeps who have NO MODEL RELEASE OF AGE OR CONSENT should be BANNED from EBAY. 

The UNITED TALENT AGENCY is boycotting Trump for his immigration ban. Wouldn't it be helpful of the UNITED TALENT AGENCY also took action against EBAY? The agency's top actresses are being exploited, humiliated and degraded just for being famous women. 

Hey, JUDD APATOW, what's so "delicious" about the pictures you see on this website? You were concerned about Bill Cosby. How about EBAY sellers who make money off humiliating EVERY ACTRESS? 

Hey, AMY SCHUMER, you know about the dirty photos that were sold on you. When is your cousin,  CHUCK SCHUMER, the New York Senator, going to put some pressure on EBAY to obey U.S. law?

UTA, how about instructing all your famous women to get a VERO (verified rights owner) rep, to make sure offensive photos are removed and the sellers suspended? 

How EASY is this? VERY. All that Lady Gaga or Ivanka Trump has to do is assign someone...a manager, a relative, even a FAN...to monitor eBay once in a while and send in an email with the offending auction number. It's THAT SIMPLE.

Right now EBAY pervs are humiliating and degrading all women, including the late JUNE LOCKHART, the wholesome MARTA KRISTEN, and even JUDGE JUDY

It would also be helpful if EBAY simply added material such as the above to their "offensive materials" list, so that anyone seeing it could report it. Every EBAY auction has a hot link: "report item." But you can't do that if the item is not illegal or against EBAY rules. 

Right now, the material above is NOT considered OFFENSIVE by Marie Huber, who is in charge of the EBAY rules and legal department. This material is NOT considered OFFENSIVE by CEO Devin Wenig.

If YOU are offended, go to TWITTER and contact the ASK EBAY account. Or literally CALL EBAY ON THIS: 

Ronda Rousey, Sarah Palin and Marie Osmond have THIS in common

How cheap and sick are some EBAY SELLERS?

Here's a creep who makes a big $3.99 grinding photo paper through his printer, and offering up nasty fake nude images of Ronda Rousey, Sarah Palin, Marie Osmond and hundreds more: 

Not too long ago, women MARCHED for their rights, wearing pink hats, demanding that the "Grab the pussy" attitude be curbed.

EBAY does not agree, does it? EBAY has an "offensive materials" rule that applies to minority groups but NOT women. On EBAY, you can report an item if it glorifies Nazis or the KKK, or is mean to Muslims. NONE of the images above qualify as "offensive" to EBAY. EBAY even has a female CEO who is in charge of policy: MARIE HUBER.

EBAY also happens to be in violation of U.S. law, which states that pornographers MUST have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE of AGE AND CONSENT on file. U.S. law does not permit women to be abused. If a woman wants to make money off porn, fine. She signs a model release. 

The women above have signed NOTHING. Neither have the women who are being abused without their knowledge or permission, via EBAY "my ex-wife" and "my ex-girlfriend" photos. 

How sick is a guy who enjoys imagining famous women being humiliated and degraded? How sick are the BUYERS? How many send these images to the stars for autographs? Amazingly, many DO. Many bring these images to memorabilia shows, saying, "You posed for it. Sign it for me." 

Rebecca Schaefer was killed by a stalker. Jennifer Lopez, Brooke Shields, Gwyneth Paltrow and many others are desperately going to court to try and prevent stalkers from following them, or sending them insane letters. EBAY is profiting. 

If this bothers you, literally CALL THEM ON IT. Ask to speak to DEVIN WENIG, the CEO. Or to MARIE HUBER. Ask when material such as the above will be officially put on the "unacceptable" list, so that anyone can report it and have it removed. 

Right now, only Rousey, Osmond, etc. etc. can have an item such as the above removed. Unfortunately not every star even knows that EBAY has a twisted "adult section" of their site. Not every star's manager or lawyer cares enough to do the right thing. Some of them will only do it if the star pays out $500 an hour. Meanwhile, not only are stars in jeopardy, but all women are, because EBAY does not yet have a rule about "offensive materials" OR making sure that guys can't sell pictures of their ex-wives and girlfriends to humiliate them for profit. 



How "SWELL?" Creepy JOHN Back Humiliating and Visually Raping Female Stars

EBAY needs to OBEY U.S. law. U.S. law states that sellers must have a MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT to sell porn. The women must CONSENT.

EMMA WATSON has not. IVANKA TRUMP has not. DAISY RIDLEY has not. 

All actresses should have their lawyers get on EBAY's CASE. RIGHT NOW.

Don't expect EBAY to do the right thing. 


Take the case of JOHN...who lives in New Jersey. A 60 year-old with an equally old wife. He gets his kicks by humiliating famous women for profit. HIS WIFE is the one who packages the photos and sends them out, cheerfully asking for positive feedback.

Look at THIS stuff which is on EBAY today, February 12th: 

JOHN, loves his UNDERAGE stars, especially. He knows that some of them, like EMMA WATSON, live "in the bubble." They don't see the material, and their greedy stupid lawyers and managers are too busy having power lunches to take TWO MINUTES to remove the violations. 

HOW...SICK...IS...JOHN? (He is damn lucky he is not being OUTED here with his FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER.) 

He even abuses dead, wholesome stars like JUNE LOCKHART, and yes, he's such an insane pimp he even tries to get $11 for a "fantasy" image of JUDGE JUDY.

A rapist who gets caught gets put in jail.

THIS guy got caught by an angry celebrity. EBAY shrugged. "We'll remove the item and let him keep selling." 

How did EBAY behave after JOHN was caught by THREE different celebrities? 

"Oh, we STILL don't know that the OTHER women have not given their consent. We will let him return to the site after a one month suspension."

JOHN came back and did the same thing over again. Except he wisely stopped selling the three women who protested. He had 100's more to abuse.

NONE of the auction headers say "Fake" or "Fantasy" even. He sells them as REAL.

Which not only humiliates the stars, but encourages stalkers.

Another set of stars complained to the VeRO program in November of 2016. The pervy seller was even trying to sneak his nude pictures OUT of the adult section so he'd get more people viewing.

EBAY gave him another MONTH suspension. Then let him come back.

In December John was suspended AGAIN. But only for a month. 

And now he's back. AGAIN. Even after THREE STRIKES.


Would he not be in JAIL right now if just ONE star...Scarlett...Emma...Natalie...prosecuted him? 

Women are marching around in "pussy hats." A few should march over to the EBAY office in Draper, Utah, or the cushy executive offices in San Jose, California, and demand WOMEN'S RIGHTS.

No women should be humiliated and abused this way. This not only includes famous actresses, but "ex-girlfriend" and "ex-wife" victims. Yes, in eBay's "ADULT SECTION" nasty guys sell pictures of their exes. This is even in violation of U.S. law, which requires that there be a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE of age and consent to protect women from abuse.

Please call up EBAY and ask to speak to the CEO Devin Wenig, or to the WOMAN who runs their legal department, MARIE HUBER. Ask them to OBEY THE LAW and not allow these creeps to sell pictures without age and consent. Tell them to add images such as the above to their "offensive materials" category of items that can be removed if ANYONE reports them. 


Jennifer Lopez Stalker - Why does EBAY MAKE THINGS WORSE?

Sexual predators aren't a problem? They can go free?  

Ask Brooke Shields. Ask Gwyneth Paltrow. Ask Rebecca Schaeffer.  
OH...you can't ask Rebecca. The adorable sitcom star is no longer with us:

"On July 18, 1989, Schaeffer was fatally shot in the doorway of her West Hollywood apartment building by Robert John Bardo. Bardo was obsessed with Schaeffer and had been stalking her for three years."  

And here's misery for Jennifer Lopez.

Who is helping to make Jennifer's life hell? And helping to make other women, famous and not famous, miserable? EBAY.

The "adult" section of Ebay (accessible by using the scroll-down menu on the opening EBAY page, and going to EVERYTHING ELSE category, ADULT) has 50 or more of these items today, February 12th:

Yes, you read those prices right. For a lousy $8. For a lousy $4, sick, twisted EBAY SELLERS have downloaded Photoshop jobs off the internet to sell.  

They even call these pictures REAL. 

Ebay has yet to classify this as "offensive materials," and eBay has yet to obey U.S. law which requires a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT, to prove that the women have agreed to have their images sold.  

YOU CAN HELP. Call EBAY ON IT. Literally. Ask to speak to CEO Devin Wenig, or to CEO MARIE HUBER. Ask why Jennifer Lopez and other major stars are being abused, and why eBay allows "my ex-wife" and "my ex-girlfriend" pictures to be sold by creepy guys who like to humiliate women.