Tuesday, June 12, 2018

ASHLEY JUDD is more concerned with MONKEYS than with ME TOO - You can do BOTH, ASHLEY


Another idiot. ASHLEY JUDD is one of the vocal METOO people. She's OFFENDED by this. OFFENDED by THAT. 

Ashley doesn't want mean ol' producers or directors being suggestive and wanting a little YES action to go with saying YES to one woman over 20 others that could do the job just as well. 

BUT...ASHLEY JUDD (or her manager, her agent, and her Twitter stooge) have ignored everyone who has said, "You can send a DMCA and get rid of the unauthorized nudes on eBay...you can be a METOO and help get these creeps suspended." 

This is the same ASHLEY JUDD who expects the law to pay attention to HER when she complains that Harvey Weinstein was crude to her. Ashley, how does it feel when nobody pays attention to YOUR moral complaint? YOU are allowing idiots in eBay to prosper. Harvey Weinstein is out of business. THEY ARE NOT. 

Is this a fake ASHLEY JUDD picture or a real one? Does it matter? She isn't being paid, these are bootlegs and unauthorized, the sellers have no model releases, and they have HUNDREDS of other pictures, most DEFINITELY faked, that help them get beer and potato chip money as they sit around their white trash trailers beating up women and and being anti-social monsters.

These, and dozens of screencaps from movies and fake shots...are in eBay's sleazy secret "adults only" section. If Ashley Judd simply authorized a FAN or a RELATIVE or a SECRETARY to take ONE MINUTE to send in a DMCA, this junk would be gone and most likely, the sellers would either be gone, or on their way to the suspensions they deserve. 

Most eBay sellers who get suspended CAN'T come back, because it's tough to get a new address and phone number and bank account and name! An email to vero@ebay.com works ONLY if there's an authorized document on file. There obviously isn't one for ASHLEY JUDD.

Yes, we have JUDD FOR THE DEFENSE of MONKEYS...she does THAT with her Tweetie-Tweets. She does NOT, as YET, say METOO to removing eBay photos, as Taylor Swift and dozens upon dozens of other women do. 

Here's ASHLEY, monkeying around instead



What is the story here? The woman was complaining that her intimate porn photos were stolen and splattered all over the Internet. 

Yes, like many others, she and her boyfriend were simply enjoying the fun of porn-type picture taking. But once everyone could see the pictures...she was OFFENDED. 

Except she didn't say: "I'm contacting EVERY lawyer who has a client abused by 4CHAN or CELEBJIHAD, and I'm gonna make sure those sites are either CLOSED or BLOCKED."  

NOPE.  She didn't say: "I'm going to make sure EBAY SELLERS don't profit off these images...or the FAKE ones they already sell." 

To compound the insanity, take a look at THIS: 

Yes, JENNY  is quoted in ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY as saying "there's a difference between consent and not..."  

Really? Is that why the JENNIFER LAWRENCE pictures are ALL OVER EBAY? 


Her quote was in reference to...you guessed it...DOING A NUDE SCENE IN A MOVIE. A nude scene that will be freeze-framed and SOLD not as "Jennifer Lawrence, playing a character" but JENNIFER LAWRENCE.

There are sellers using eBay's nefarious ADULT section who specialize in doing screen captures of movie scenes AND SELLING THEM. This is against the law. Against copyright law. Against intellectual property law. But eBay shrugs and says "Let the movie studio send in a DMCA. Let Jennifer Lawrence send in a DMCA." And does she? 

Is it because she doesn't KNOW about the problem? Or doesn't care? 

JUNE, 2018, and here's what EBAY SELLERS have in EBAY'S sneaky "adults only" category: fake nudes, and even NUDE SHOTS THAT CLAIM JENNIFER LAWRENCE SIGNED THE PHOTOS.

The METOO movement means exactly those two words. ME TOO.  

That means that celebrities should at least have a trusted fan to run a FACEBOOK or TWITTER page for free, and be able to monitor problems and get input. 

Celebrities should know that they are being stabbed in the back by their agents and managers. These slime don't care if a Jennifer Lawrence or Jennifer Aniston gets abused on eBAY. Not unless their Jennifer is willing to pay them $200 an hour to send in the DMCA that an intern could do for a minute and for free.

Managers and agents love to go out for two hour lunches, take a long weekend on a cruise, and stare at their "Living Well is the Best Revenge" sign on the wall. They don't even understand that their cash cow could be killed by a stalker (like Rebecca Schaefer was) and that it's dangerous to be wrapped in cotton and ignore problems. 

Being part of ME TOO is to know about the problem and to contact vero@ebay.com and say, "I have authorized my friend...my fan...my mom...whoever...to send in DMCA's. So when you get them, GET THIS STUFF OFF YOUR SITE AND SUSPEND THE SELLERS INVOLVED." 

Here's a statement that is short and simple and needs repeating because you don't seem to understand it: