Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gal Gadot, Scarlett Johansson, Gillian Anderson...did you sign FAKE NUDE photos?

When big companies such as EBAY and PAYPAL allow sellers to sell forgeries, and post fraud images, they aid and abet criminal misogyny.

Some eBay jerk has "signed" nudes on GAL GADOT, SCARLETT JOHANSSON, GILLIAN ANDERSON etc. Really? No, but it SEEMS like these actresses are all sluts who happily sign Photoshop fakes of themselves! 

LADIES, put a stop to this. Get a friend or a fan to be your VeRO rep. You don't have to spend lawyer money. EBAY just needs your signature authorizing someone to email an auction number and ask for a removal. That's all. Do it so that people don't get the idea that you pose naked AND sign these images! 

Do it so that the seller WON'T get $50 and be rewarded for forging your signature and saying "HOT PUSSY" and "GREAT ASS" and laughing all the way to the bank. 

As creepy as the sellers are, think of the IDIOTS that would buy this stuff. These are dangerous fools who could become stalkers.  

Ebay gets a percentage of every sale. In cases like this, they are PIMPS. They don't care. They're hoping you won't be outraged by their lack of morality and decency, and file DMCA's to get rid of THESE: 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Do Cameron Diaz and Maria Sharapova know a WOMAN is degrading them for $3.29?

The reigning and defending and STILL...champion sleaze bitch of EBAY strikes again: 

If you judged by the creepiest, most pervy ads on eBay, you'd guess that the two most digusting states in America are NEW JERSEY and FLORIDA. 

Here's Patricia, NEW JERSEY's skeeviest FEMALE continuing to offer obvious PHOTOSHOP FAKES of women who don't pose naked for $3.29. Or any price. 

What does it say about a FEMALE who would do this to other women? BUY IT NOW and these creepy pix will be in your hands by Feb 6th. If not earlier. 

Yes...anyone who'd WANT this stuff is almost as bad as the seller. Don't you feel a bit uneasy knowing there are gullible, perverted nutjobs who will PAY for these images? Who think this stuff is real? Who have the potential to stalk, rape and KILL the women they see? 

Patricia continues to run 8,000 items on EBAY every day, with NO MODEL RELEASES for ANYTHING she sells. She does, of course, give any money to Sharapova's favorite charity, or Diaz's sleepy manager for shrugging over abuse that might lead to Cameron's rape and death via a stalker. 

PAYPAL cut her loose months ago. EBAY? Perhaps SOON? Phone support says that fake images of celebrities is "not allowed," and that, yes, it is ALSO quite a violation of eBay rules to run ads that give a seller's contact information (for sales OUTSIDE of eBay and no final sale commission to eBay). 

One thing that would help keep sociopathic misogynistic weirdos like this OFF eBay, is if crapathetic managers and agents would stop ignoring emails and phone calls and Tweets, and assign a well-meaning fan or some lazy office go-fer to the very mild (it takes less than 5 minutes a week) job of glancing at eBay listings, typing in a few names, and if necessary, emailing the auction number to the VeRO department. 

It's not difficult at all. Unlike Google, eBay does not really throw a lot of "hoops" at rights owners. They need a simple form to be filled out that authorizes a person to act on behalf of the copyright or intellectual property owner. The VERO form (downloadable from the website, or available from is one simple page. 

Fans of celebs can also do their part by checking out the adult area of eBay (accessible from the main page by looking for the category "everything else/adult") and then using "REPORT ITEM" and the drop-down menu and clicking ADULT/NOT ALLOWED AT ALL. The more complaints, the faster a seller is suspended. Fans can also contact PAYPAL at using the email of their Paypal account to also cripple sales for people who have no respect for women. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

MAYBE...EBAY is not just immoral and incompetent...but STUPID?

Sociopaths abuse women. 

Misogynists abuse women.

WHY would DEVIN NORSE WENIG (eBAY CEO) or WENDY JONES or MARIE OH HUBER think that such degenerate, devious and demented people wouldn't abuse EBAY, too?

PKC527, who currently has 8,000 illegal (no model release of age and consent) auctions on eBAY,  is CHEATING EBAY, too.

HOW? By putting her contact information in her ads so she can sell DIRECT without EBAY getting a percentage of the final price. EBAY likes to grab at least 50 cents on ANY sale, and the price goes up the higher the item price. 

Take a look at the FAKE image of ELVIRA (aka CASSANDRA PETERSON). As usual, PKC527 adds CONTACT INFORMATION.

WHY? Because PAYPAL, far more moral than EBAY, suspended this seller. This seller can NOT accept PAYPAL payments, because this seller is a despicable FRAUD who sells unlicensed images, FAKE images, and images of nude women WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. It is against FEDERAL LAW to sell pornography without a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT.

That's the thing about crooks. There is no HONOR among them. 

PKC527 always has over EIGHT THOUSAND AUCTIONS on the site, and despite hundreds of them reported and automatically removed by some drones overseas via "Report this Item....ADULT/not allowed at all" and despite DMCA's sent by various reps for actresses, this seller has ALWAYS had over EIGHT THOUSAND AUCTIONS on the site.

Guess what. Her number of positives hasn't changed. Why? Because people check her list, see what they want to drool over, then email her with their list so they pay via her PRIVATE credit card. OR, they snail-mail her the list, with their check or money order.

HA HA HA HA. NO royalty to EBAY for the final fee. But does Devin Wenig and his high priced CEO's and EXECUTIVES care? About as much as they care to have phone support in AMERICA, where somebody can knock on a door and say, "This is the 10th compliant we got on Patricia...what say we do what PAYPAL did and suspend her?" No. EBAY's phone support is overseas and hapless people have to say "I will forward the problem..." to somebody in TRUST & SAFETY or RISK MANAGEMENT who doesn't do anything. 

Sounds STUPID  doesn't it? But it's also IMMORAL AND INCOMPETENT, and EBAY should do better. They need more phone support IN AMERICA, and they need to take the #metoo movement SERIOUSLY. This isn't some jerk selling a knock off of a Gucci bag. This is someone dangerously defaming WOMEN with fake nude images that are sold with the intent to degrade and humiliate. 


Should we be grateful EBAY has "phone support" at all? 

Unlike GOOGLE which has no phone number, EBAY actually takes calls. The problem is, they have a hapless bunch overseas who can only say "I will forward the problem along..."

To WHO? "Sorry, but all I can do is forward the problem along..." To an e-mail address for "Trust and Safety" or "Risk Management" where some other bored office worker will glance and toss the email in the trash? 

Here's New Jersey's sleaze-bitch PATRICIA K. C...N - continuing to sell FAKE images of celebrities as REAL. 

If you go to the sneaky "ADULT" section of EBAY (accessed on the main page by going to the category EVERYTHING she's got THOUSANDS OF THESE. Cheap nasty BUY IT NOW pieces of LIBEL. 

How bad and nasty is this witch? PAYPAL cut her loose. She can only accept money orders and checks from deranged, dangerous deviants who slobber over this stuff and STALK THE STARS demanding autographs and sexual favors. "Look at this photo. It's YOU..." 

EBAY, what are you waiting for? Somebody to rape Maria Sharapova? Kill Britney Spears? 

All because of $3.29 FAKE FRAUD PHOTOSHOP JOBS that PATRICIA K. C...N (who has several aliases and addresses in New Jersey) sells to buy meth or whatever the hell she does? 

EVERY call to EBAY for the past FOUR MONTHS has been the same: "Yes, these are violations. Yes, I see she has had dozens and dozens of items removed via REPORT ITEM to "ADULT/NOT ALLOWED AT ALL." Yes. She has had VERO stoppages...Not to worry...she will be warned again. She may get a restriction...."

PAYPAL suspended her. EBAY hasn't. WHY? 

The VERO program on EBAY (Verified Rights Owner) offers an email address so that actresses (or their managers, agents, lawyers) can send in a takedown request. 

GUESS WHAT: VERO has absolutely NO authority to do anything but take down the auction. VERO can NOT restrict or suspend an account. Shrug. Shrug. Shrug. That's bureaucracy at EBAY.

All anyone at VERO can do is forward the email complaint to "Trust and Safety" or "Risk Management" or some other cubby hole, where some stooge who doesn't believe in MORALITY or #metoo glances, shrugs, and goes out for another Mocha Latte. 

Most of the sellers chronicled below HAVE been suspended OR...have stopped selling Photoshop fakes and just sell crap from their attics and basements like everyone else. THIS maniac continues to sell. THIS maniac responds to Private Messages by noting that she can't accept Paypal anymore BUT, just pick out the images you want (she doesn't say FAKES) and she'll give you a credit card number that you can use for payment. OFF EBAY. 

That's how ridiculous EBAY is. They don't need this woman's business. They are getting stiffed most of the time since she can sell OFF EBAY. She can post her auctions like it's CRAIGSLIST and then people can write down what they want and send her a check WITHOUT buying on EBAY itself and WITHOUT giving eBay a percentage of the sale. 

PATRICA K. C...N is  woman who is so nasty, she makes a few cheap dollars defaming other women, selling images WITHOUT any permission, and cheering that EBAY does not believe in the normal legalities of ONLY selling images for which there is a model release of AGE AND CONSENT. Elizabeth Hurley be damned. And Margot Kidder? Don't REST IN PEACE...not when PATRICIA can make three or four dollars selling to some deranged necrophile "fan." 

WHAT is the matter with EBAY? Call up their TOLL FREE NUMBER AND ASK THEM WHY THIS PKC527 maniac has been allowed to defame women for over a YEAR. 1 (866) 540-3229

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Scarlett Johansson: the vast "WORMHOLE" of the Internet includes...EBAY

Scarlett Johansson recently complained about the fake nudes one finds at various sleazy websites. She correctly pointed out that due to weak DMCA laws, the bad guys get away with it.

These are the same weak DMCA laws that allow creeps in Russia, Croatia, etc. to prosper with their "Demonoid" and "Pirate" torrent sites, forums and blogs. It's rare when the FBI literally "ices" a site and shuts it down, and even rarer when these sites can be legally blocked. 

But guess what, Scarlett. Ordinary creeps on EBAY, located in San Jose, California, can pimp your fake photos and make hundreds of dollars. Here's someone who is even bolder than that:


This guy isn't in a WORMHOLE of anonymity on the Internet. He's on the BIGGEST AUCTION SITE IN THE WORLD...a commerce site not too far from AMAZON in popularity. He is making MONEY off DANGEROUS, ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. 

He is putting you at risk for your life. Why? Because a moron who would buy a forged autograph on a fake picture, is the same kind of dangerous pea-brain who'd stalk you. It happens all the time. Female celebrities routinely get fake nudes in the mail with autograph requests. They have to resort to court orders and bodyguards because there are guys out there who see these images, think they are REAL, and assume a star is not just a sex symbol, but an "easy" slut ready for anyone. 

In eBay's creepy "everything else: ADULT" section (easy to find if you hunt for categories on the main EBAY.COM page) has all this and more. Lots more. 

As far as eBay is concerned, Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot and Jennifer Aniston would have to have a rep (VERO rep) take a minute and send in the auction number for a DMCA.

Why hasn't it happened? Because most big stars today, including Johansson, mis-calculate just how dangerous the problem is, or have no idea that eBay does act on DMCA requests. Maybe they don't know that there IS a "dark" part of eBay. 

Another factor, which THIS site can attest to, is that too often stars can't be reached and advised of the problem, and their agents and managers DON'T CARE. Jennifer Aniston's manager, for example, DOES NOT CARE. If it doesn't involve making 10% in having Jennifer make a personal appearance, or guest on a show, or endorse a product, the manager DOES NOT CARE.

The tragedy here is that there are volunteers who do VERO work for free. In fact, all eBay needs is "authorization" from the star or the star's agent, manager, etc., and ANYONE, even a fan or an intern, can submit a DMCA. It only takes a minute to do it. 

Why put the life of a famous woman in jeopardy by allowing such insane abuse? Why allow a creep to pimp and profit from any woman? 

EBAY should state clearly on their website that among the items NOT ALLOWED is celebrity nudes and adult photos for which the seller has no model release of age and consent. 

EBAY should also be aware that they are breaking FEDERAL LAW and that a feminist attorney general, senator or member of congress can, at any time, start the legal proceedings that will cost them millions of dollars in fines, and perhaps even jail time for the CEO.


Federal Law (as mentioned in previous posts) protects women. 

Pornographers must have written documents of AGE AND CONSENT for their models. 

Ebay ignores Federal Law. Sellers offer "found" nude pictures, "ex-wife" pictures, and simply, anything they've downloaded off websites and want to grind through their printers as digital photos.

THIS MUST CHANGE. OR? Or maybe EBAY will find their sneaky ADULT area shut down by the government. Sleazy websites do get shut down.

BACKPAGE was a website that a certain JUDGE DUPUY (ex-Judge...thrown in jail) used to post pictures of his....EX-GIRLFRIENDS. 

What Dupuy did is not far removed from what PATRICIA K..... (PKC527 on eBay) does. Which is to post FAKE NUDE images of celebrities, not even say they're fakes, and sell them. In other words, pimp photos without permission or a model release. Exploit women. For profit. 

And PATRICIA K...thrown off Paypal, and stopped by celebrity VeRO reps countless times, is STILL on the site despite literally hundreds of her auctions being removed. She asks for checks and money orders now, and sends sneaky private messages to people pointing out that she CAN get paid through her own personal credit card account. 

EBAY needs to state very clearly that NUDE IMAGES without MODEL RELEASES are against the law. PERIOD.