Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Paypal supposedly has "Terms of Service" that bans violent pornography, and won't take money for sales that involve sexual abuse without consent.  But they allow it anyway and take the money.  

An example, one of hundreds on eBay, is this photo: Emma Watson (the teen in the "Harry Potter" movies) being gang-raped. To PAYPAL this is OK. 

Paypal gets paid for "fantasy" images like this: a teenager being assaulted by four men. Yet in most offices, if a man circulated an image like this at the office and said, "This is my fantasy about Emma Watson," he'd be fired. 

PAYPAL needs the sixty cents they make on this image in the "adults only" section of the eBay website? PAYPAL in Nebraska has an office where reports of an image like this are dismissed as   hardly worth the time it takes to send out a form e-mail reply? 

If you find an e-mail address for this secretive company and you ask them TO ENFORCE THEIR TERMS OF SERVICE,  and OBEY FEDERAL LAW, you get a form letter:

This was sent to aup@paypal.com. If you write in again you will get the same form letter. 

Meanwhile 100's of women, famous and not famous, are being pictured raped and abused by EBAY sellers in the "adults only" section of the site. (Pervs know to go to eBay's main page, scroll the category menu and choose "everything else.") This is beyond political satire:

PAYPAL is awfully smug about violating Federal Law, which requires a signed model release of age and consent for pornography. Meanwhile Emma Watson and hundreds of famous and NOT FAMOUS women are being abused with profits going to PAYPAL. Ebay sellers routinely offer their Photoshopped celeb porn (most of it claiming to be real), as well as "ex wife" and "ex girlfriend" photos, never with the caveat that they have permission or CONSENT. 

Unfortunately indifference, like PAYPAL shows, is what victims of sexual abuse often deal with these days, even in rape. The police have mirrored glasses on and the victim stares at her own reflection. An impassive doctor in a bright white room puts the rape victim on a cold metal table and probes and prods, saying little, implying the victim was at fault. 

PAYPAL can't do better than send a form letter response to a wrenching, repulsive image perpetrated against a child-actress? That's PAYPAL? Yes, that's PAYPAL.


Ramapo College had an incident of gang rape. Without her knowledge or consent, a 19 year-old woman was subjected to sexual humiliation. 

That's no different than EBAY where women, without their knowledge or consent, are subjected to sexual humiliation, including depictions of GANG RAPE. 

Here's an example of an underage girl being attacked: 

As far as EBAY is concerned, this isn't "Offensive Materials." This is funny. Or just erotica. Does it matter that Emma Watson has not consented to have this image sold by strangers for their profit? Does it matter to EBAY that this seller doesn't say he obeys Federal Law and has a signed model release of "age and consent?" NO.

GANG RAPE DOES NOT MATTER TO EBAY. Reporting this auction by phone to EBAY at  866-540-3229 gets NO action. It's not "offensive materials" by Ebay's standards.  

As far as EBAY is concerned, it is not "offensive" for their sellers to offer any doctored up photos of movie stars in being crucified, being victimized by bodily fluids all over their faces, or in the case of this Selena Gomez item, being tied up and assaulted obviously against her will: 

Yes, for $3.99 a seller happily offers a "fridge magnet" with a faked-up picture that makes it look like teenage singer Selena Gomez is being tied up and assaulted. And EBAY is taking a percentage. So is PAYPAL.

Meanwhile, this at RAMAPO COLLEGE

Do they all look like perverts? Do they all look like people who just don't give a damn about a helpless woman being victimized, or a woman abused and degraded without her consent? 

Is the 21st Century really a place where people laugh at a woman drugged up and then abused, taken advantage of when she has no idea what's going on? Is it a place where EBAY and PAYPAL don't protect women either, women who have no idea "ex girlfriend" and "ex wife" photos are being sold on them, or that "fantasy" images of them being raped and abused are a good profit? 

Porn photos are being sold on EBAY with NO MODEL RELEASE OR PERMISSION. Sellers aren't required to say "I have a model release for this, and can produce it if asked." 

Take a look at the six people above. It's five rapists and the CEO OF EBAY, DEVIN WENIG. 

Is his company so much of an Internet giant that Federal Law and common decency are sneered at? 

Don't think this website is anti-porn. Pornographers are often very moral. Porn sold by Hustler, Playboy, Vivid Video or any of the professionals, involves a word EBAY and RAPISTS don't know: CONSENT.

If a woman chooses to appear in pornography, she signs a model release of age and consent. Anything less is a crime. Why is it pornographers obey laws that EBAY and PAYPAL don't?

The five rapists from Ramapo no doubt saw how women are degraded in the media, and how easy and profitable it is, and that some rapists get 60 days in jail or less IF caught.  

Do you suppose any of the Ramapo rapists have seen Internet Photoshop jobs on major celebrities? Think they laughed when Jennifer Lawrence's private photos were "leaked" by people who feel ENTITLED to "leak" anything they can steal? Did the UBER company fire Ken Bone because they saw his Reddit remarks about how much he enjoyed seeing Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos? 

Common decency is being eroded, and it doesn't have to be that way. EBAY makes huge profits; it does not have to siphon chump change via violent and degrading images on their site. In fact, they will remove dupe photos of Nazi atrocities, and suspend sellers who revel in real or fantasy images of lynched blacks hanging from trees. They just don't think that sexual abuse of women without their knowledge or consent is "offensive." They don't respect women. 

The "celebrity porn" and "ex-wife" and "ex-girlfriend" photos on eBay sell BECAUSE they are illicit and forbidden and WITHOUT CONSENT. That's part of the thrill. 

Just as the Ramapo rapists figured it was up to that young girl to know she'd been given powerful drinks and that it was up to her to know when to say when and walk away, EBAY figures it's up to Emma Watson to know there's an "adults only" section of eBay and that she should check there every week to see the vile images on her. They also figure that if she files an objection on the seller, the seller should be allowed to keep abusing other women, and only stop if another five, or ten, or fifteen different actresses also complain.

This is not how it should be. If YOU believe your local senator or governor should act, if you believe the Attorney General should act, if you want to call up eBay or write to eBay and protest, if you want to see eBay govern itself OR have itself governed strictly in obeying Federal Law, please do what you can. 

Rape and Gang Rape stories should not be in the news every day, and taken for granted. And pornography without CONSENT should not be allowed, especially on EBAY. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

EBAY: Sleazier than Donald Trump and Bill Clinton combined

What's worse than "objectifying" women? Getting paid for it. 

EBAY and PAYPAL get paid for it. They take a percentage from sellers who humiliate and degrade women. 

In the real world, if you created "fantasy" images of women being raped, abused, or presented as sluts, you'd be jailed. On EBAY you can be a "TOP RATED SELLER" for it. 

Imagining Jennifer Aniston a rape-slave? 

Imagining under-age "Harry Potter" star Emma Watson forced to suck cock?

EBAY seems to think this material isn't "offensive." You kind of wonder what DEVIN WENIG, the CEO thinks about this. Does he know? Does he care? 

Phone calls to EBAY's ONLY working number will get you somebody in the Philippines or India. The hapless stooge will admit, "Oh, this is very bad, I will be sure to forward this to the proper person." WHO is that "proper person?" You are never told. 

The VERO program is supposedly designed to find and remove sellers who are offering unlicensed material, such as bootlegs and photos that have no signed model release of age and consent. 

However, if TAYLOR SWIFT's VeRO rep points to a seller who is offering obnoxious, vile material on Taylor, EBAY and PAYPAL conveniently ignore the rest of the items on the list. Like, just because Taylor Swift's rep caught the seller, let's NOT ask the seller to prove that the other items are legit. Let this seller abuse Chloe Moretz and Ariana Grande and hundreds more.

DEVIN WENIG, you want to explain the insanity of why you allow these images? Are you the CEO of EBAY or a pimp? A pimp makes money off the sexual abuse of women. 

When will EBAY have an official rule that "offensive materials" include the obvious degradation and humiliation of women, done WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT?

PAYPAL has "terms of service" that reject transactions involving vile acts of pornography, but how do they define vile? If you contact them you might get a dry reply: "if you represent Ariana Grande, please send us a proper takedown, request, using our tedious forms, and if you don't fill them out EXACTLY we will ignore you." 

Maybe you'll get a form letter: "Appropriate action will be taken. Due to privacy concerns, we will not tell you what that action night be." Which is NOTHING.

This particular seller has some of the nastiest "fantasy" photos around. Even Donald Trump wouldn't say, "folks, I have a fantasy of Chloe Moretz being pounded by two blacks." But on EBAY and with PAYPAL, what Moretz doesn't know MAKES MONEY.

Taylor Swift's VeRO rep is not likely to see deliberately spoofed spellings of Taylor's name. This way, anyone checking out a seller's list of crude items, will find THESE:

When does it end, DEVIN WENIG? 

PAYPAL and EBAY. Do you NOT know by now what is going on in the sneaky secret "adults only" area? Or do you really need the sixty cents you make off a $6.00 "buy it now" gang-bang rape photo done without a woman's knowledge or consent?

Monday, October 17, 2016


Rose McGowan has made the news, talking about an experience as a victim of a sexual attack.

She is STILL being victimized. ON EBAY. Like this:

Taking advantage of women, exploiting them without their knowledge, humiliating and degrading them for profit -- THAT is EBAY?

Right now EBAY still does NOT include women in their ban on "offensive materials." Ebay sellers can't dupe photos of autopsies, accident victims, or assaulted people such as Sharon Tate and Nicole Simpson. But they can sell lewd buttons that show SELENA GOMEZ being bound and RAPED

What sort of monster would want to actually WEAR A BUTTON and show off a picture like this?

More buttons, dozens and dozens, all designed to humiliate and degrade women for a thrill or a laugh: 

Somebody a LOT nastier than Donald "Locker Room Talk" Trump. Who'd SELL such a thing? Why in the world would EBAY AND PAYPAL allow this? 

Where is the model release of age and consent?

Right now, only McGowan or Gomez could file a takedown, by contacting vero@ebay.com or having a lawyer or someone they appointed as their "VeRO" rep do it. 

EBAY states “at our discretion we may remove adult items not mentioned in this policy” and “obscene materials, while not easy to define, aren’t allowed,” but there's NO way of reporting these auctions so they can make such a judgment. A menu bar for "report this item" gives you a topic header like "offensive materials." You send it to some sleepy-eyed man in Pakistan or the Philippines who eBay farms abuses to, and he shrugs. He probably doesn't know "at our discretion we may remove adult items" and might think it's hilarious that women are being stripped naked in "fantasy" images or bound and raped. 

It's time eBAY simply states that sellers can NOT humiliate and degrade with "celebrity porn," and that they need to have signed model releases of AGE AND CONSENT. 

Anything else is vile, depraved, and quite likely a violation of Federal Law that could be prosecuted by the Attorney General. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald Trump "Grab Her Pussy" is nothing compared to Visual Rape EBAY

Donald Trump has caused controversy with something he said. It was a locker room brag. 

By contrast, EBAY is accosting, assaulting, raping, humiliating and degrading women every day RIGHT NOW, WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT,  and for profit. So is PAYPAL. 

Did you know EBAY has a "red light district?" They do. They have a secret "adult" section. Anyone registered with eBay can access it: 


"Revenge Porn" is alive and well in the ADULT area at eBay. Federal Law requires a signed model release of age and consent. EBAY ignores this, on items such as:

Aside from grabbing "revenge porn" pictures and scanning them, anyone can download stolen images off renegade websites and sell them on EBAY. 

Does EBAY conform to Federal Law and demand a signed model release of age and consent on file for the photos being sold? Of course not. That's why any sleaze ball can grind stolen pictures through his printer and merely offer this line: 

Anything about AGE AND CONSENT? No. That "ABOUT US" line is from John (an old perv in New Jersey). He simply offers "reproductions." No licensing. No permission. NO MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT. And that's just fine with EBAY.

How fine? He's been reported. Several celebrities have demanded he stop selling their Photoshopped images. EBAY shrugs and says, "He's a TOP RATED seller." How about TOP RAPER seller? 

He currently sells over a thousand Photoshopped fake nudes he stole off the Internet, including pedophile pictures of Emma Watson. Like this: 

Celebrities aren't the only prey. EBAY and PAYPAL allow any seller to sell just about ANYTHING without any statement about AGE AND CONSENT.

In other words, if a woman posed for her boyfriend or husband, she is NOT protected on EBAY if that person eventually decides to "get even" and start selling the images. This seller, like most, says the model is over 18, but doesn't say he obeys Federal Law and has a signed model release to prove it. 

Donald Trump, owner of beauty pageants, loudmouth braggart, is accused of thinking of women as nothing but body parts? How about THIS seller? He's among the many who shoves as many terms as possible in his headers. To him, women are nothing but ASS PUSSY BUTT

Where DID this guy get the photo? Did he take it himself? Does he have a model release? Here's what he writes:

In the REAL world, in the ETHICAL world that EBAY doesn't seem to care about, adult magazines, adult DVDs, and websites that offer memberships to view adult photos, all state compliance with Federal Law: "18 U.S.C § 2257 and 28 CFR Chapter 1, Part 75) All models are over 18 years of age. Records are available for inspection"

At this moment THIRTY different obscene photos of IVANKA TRUMP are for sale on EBAY. Should Ivanka Trump have to check Ebay's sneaky "Adults Only" area and find them and report them? That's EBAY's arrogance. They actually think so. They don't think it's a crime that these photos are being offered without a signed model release of age and consent.

The arrogance of giant Internet companies like EBAY is much worse than anything from Donald Trump. Can someone pick up a phone and get through to Trump's campaign? Is the name of Trump's publicist known? At EBAY, there's anonymity. Call up their San Jose executive office and you are disconnected if you don't already know the code-number of the person you are dialing. Try it: 408-376-7400. Call up their main support number 866-540-3229 and you get somebody from the Philippines, India or Asia telling you they will forward your question to somebody. They will not give you a follow-up number. They will not patch you through to anyone who is actually in the EBAY office in San Jose or Draper, Utah. 

This is why we end up with a disgraceful situation that should have been remedied long ago. Women should not be abused on EBAY. Sexual images of celebrities should be banned. Any "housewife" or "sexy teen" photos should be sold only by accredited and approved sellers who are also the photographers and have the signed model releases on file. Pictures should NOT be offered with the caveat "sold collector to collector no rights implied" or other weasel terms.

It's the 21st Century. It's time that EBAY respects women and stops allowing offensive abuses. Do they allow harassment of female employees, too? Can a guy Photoshop a photo of a female employee and pass it around with a chuckle? What IS the limit at EBAY? And why does PAYPAL hide behind their own maze of anonymous people answering emails with form letters and answering the the phone with a vague "we'll look into it" and no accountability? 

It shouldn't be up to a housewife to check through every photo on EBAY to make sure she's not being sold without her permission. It shouldn't be up to Emma Watson to file a takedown on photos such as these: 

EBAY is a big company. Like any big company it is a bureaucracy. Executives sometimes are not aware of what is going on in every division. 

DEVIN WENIG, CEO. MARIE OH HUBER, EXECUTIVE COUNSEL. This IS a problem. It needs to be addressed. 

Please BAN the sale of celebrity nude images. It should not be up to Emma Watson or Selena Gomez or the estate of Annette Funicello to check out disgusting images and report them. Any fan should be able to report the item, and sellers should be suspended after multiple reports (which is not the case with JOHNSWELLSTUFF12, still going after a dozen offenses). 

Women should have at least the safeguard that EBAY sellers are having to conform to FEDERAL LAW and state they have signed model releases of age and consent, AND CAN PRODUCE THEM IF RED-FLAGGED, and will accept SUSPENSION if they can't produce the documents. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

EBAY violates Federal Law and embraces PEDOPHILES

All you need is a Paypal account, it seems. Then go on eBAY and start abusing women. You don't need to worry that you DO NOT HAVE A SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT.

In their secret "Adults Only" area, EBAY is making a profit on PEDOPHILE images of celebrities. How about SELENA GOMEZ crucified? Or a vintage photo of "Brady Bunch" girl MAUREEN MCCORMICK tricked up to make it seems she loves to pose naked?

Incredibly, THIS seller in New Jersey has actually been stopped by various actresses who discovered the abuse and reported it. Ebay removed the items and has NOT SUSPENDED THE SELLER.

The seller has snuck nude images in the "regular" section of eBay many times as well. Ebay laughs, "We're JUST a venue, use the "report this item" link." The item may be removed but Ebay doesn't look at the rest of the abuses from the seller. 

In fact, eBay often chooses to "interpret" their own rules in favor of a seller. What is YOUR definition of "offensive materials?" Or "FRAUD?" How about an obviously fake photo of Dakota Fanning naked? It was reported and NOT STOPPED:

At the moment, the only sure way to get a fake nude image removed from eBay is for the woman in the photo to KNOW ABOUT IT and then REPORT IT, and perhaps, depending on the mood of someone in the VeRO program, explain "why it infringes." 

This applies to what would seem to be pretty obvious abuses on underage girls. Let's put it this way, in the REAL WORLD, and at EBAY and PAYPAL, no man could walk around showing off "fantasy" images of another employee. 

Say "Here's my FANTASY image of Ms. Watson in accounting, being gang-raped, or getting her face squirted with semen," and Paypal or Ebay would fire you. But here, you are encouraged, and they get a dollar percentage:

This site makes no money. It loses money. This site is not campaigning for any politician or seeking anything but this:


If women want to appear in porn, fine. Check any porn magazine or DVD. It says that the women have signed model releases and these releases are available for inspection. 

This is not the case on EBAY. 

An irony is that EBAY will not allow a seller to offer a duplicate or counterfeit image glorifying the KKK or the Nazi era. It will not allow a seller to profit by offering a photo of an accident victim to some ghoulish thrill seeker. BUT they have no problem with all the images above. These don't fall under "offensive materials." 

According to Rolling Stone, websites are now being prosecuted for "revenge porn" and celebrity leaked photos and other such material. Is that what it will take? 

This website would like to report "EBAY's CEO's have looked into the problem and fixed it," as they did when they outlawed the sale of chloroform after Peter Braunstein bought some on eBay to sexually assault a woman in Manhattan. 

Do the items you've just seen seem like OFFENSIVE MATERIALS? They are also in violation of Federal Law, in being sold without the women's consent. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.