Thursday, February 23, 2017


"We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it," said Donald Trump.  
Hmm, maybe JOSE, of EBAY, is going to donate the money he makes of Ivanka and Melania fake nudes? Help Mexico pay for the wall? 
No. I don't think so. Do you?
JOSE has hundreds of these "fantasy" nudes. He imagines all women being degraded, visually raped, humiliated. Then he, Señor Pimp, makes enough to have a nice free breakfast, lunch and dinner at his favorite Fast Food joint every day. Ha ha. 

Ivanka? Donald Trump's daughter? Sure. THIS image as well as the one above, are on EBAY right now, FEB 23rd, in their sneaky "adults only" area, which is reached by using the scroll menu on the main eBay page, to "everything else: adult" category. 

You know what's offensive here?

That EBAY does not find these two images offensive. As you see from other images below, including under-age Emma Watson, or stars in excruciating gangbang and bondage "fantasies," EBAY will turn a blind eye if there's a profit involved.

If you find this offensive, if you think EBAY should change its rules, CALL THEM ON IT. Call them at 866-540-3229 

Tweet them, especially the obnoxious @EBAYNEWSROOM and @ASKEBAY. Ask them when they will start respecting women. KKK images aren't allowed. NAZI images aren't allowed. But images against Melania and Ivanka and all women...that's allowed? WHY? 

Ask the EBAY NEWS ROOM when the news will be that women are PROTECTED, and that no woman's images, Photoshopped or Stolen, end up on EBAY being pimped by some asshole who doesn't have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF CONSENT.

Lastly, to the TRUMP FAMILY. Your intellectual rights are as important as ANYONE ELSE'S. This isn't "freedom of speech" this is PRODUCT. While none of us can get anywhere, right now, reporting the item to "offensive materials" YOU can get the items removed by contacting 

Perhaps Donald Trump should write an executive order demanding that EBAY obey FEDERAL LAW and stop allowing sellers to post photos without a signed statement of AGE AND CONSENT. 

Isn't it time for JOSE to get a real job and stop being a disgusting greasy parasite? He and too many others like JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and vintage_art_paper are pimps who make money with illegal, obscene and offensive materials that...would you believe it...EBAY does not consider offensive! Who runs eBay? MANSON? 


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