Sunday, March 19, 2017

Rose McGowan, Amanda Seyfried - You in the BUBBLE? Or BUBBLEHEADS?


Rose McGowan, whom some may know as a gun-toting FETISH symbol in a vile,  violent movie directed by Lantern Jaw Tarantino, is UPSET.  

Shocked. SHOCKED! And ready to fight back, MAMA.  

Seems (yawn) hackers grabbed some of her pix. And those of the always ridiculous Amy Watson, as well as Amy (yawn again) Watson. 

Here's Rose, striking a pose and insisting she's gonna do SOMETHING.  

Nice, Rose. But what about EBAY, where geeks and pricks are making money EVERY DAY on you, via stolen pix, doctored pix, pix they CLAIM are real? 

They are selling Photoshop fakes and saying that YOU POSED THAT WAY. Want examples?

ROSE, you might want to get on the Twitter feed of MARIE OH HUBER and DEVIN WENIG, and ask what the FUCK they are doing about this, and about the abuses of hundreds of other actresses. (More information below).

Yes, you could follow them and TWEET them, and see if these two obnoxious CEO pigs at eBay would listen to you...or delete you and prevent you from following them or communicating to them ever again. 

You might contact and ask why this shit is allowed to happen. You might even call up eBAY directly: 1 (866) 540-3229. You could Tweet to ASK EBAY, too.

As for your friend Amanda? Well, well, let's see what they've got on HER in the sneaky "adults only" section of EBAY:

There's more. You might want to contact PAYPAL and ask why these creeps are using PAYPAL to sell what is obviously OBSCENE and OFFENSIVE material that are violating their "Terms of Service." 

Meanwhile, in another part of the real world, female Senators such as Kristy Gingerbread, or whatever her name is (New York) are shocked, SHOCKED that nude pictures were circulated by the Marines. Oh, what a surprise. 

Would Kristy Gingerbread be surprised to know that there are "ex-wife " and "ex-girlfriend" photos being sold on eBAY with NO SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE OR CONSENT?

Why is EBAY being allowed to flaunt United States law? 

Maybe, ROSE, when you contact the Justice Department, you can ask them to look into why EBAY is not protecting you and ALL actresses by shutting down these sleazy jerks who sell the fake nudes, and who have NO SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE OR CONSENT.

There's a lot to be angry about. YOU are in a position to do A LOT ABOUT IT. This website can only call attention to the problem. YOU, for example, can contact and actually have the pictures of you removed in 24 hours for violation of intellectual property. WILL YOU DO IT?

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