She could be risking rape. She could be risking death. She just made a fortune off "Beauty and the Beast" but money doesn't help you if you're dead.
Is this post being a bit...extreme? After all, EMMA WATSON is merely being stupid, right? She has better things to do than have a friend or a fan take a few minutes to remove some of the grossest and most disturbing fake photos available on eBAY. Surely, anyone who buys these images of her is sane and normal and harmless.
It happens. Let's leave it at that. Let's not add the names of other stars who have been raped or robbed, or had their lives turned upside down by stalkers. This isn't a page out of "Hollywood Babylon" nor is it intended to further humiliate famous women who became victims.
EBAY is currently allowing both famous and ordinary women to be exploited, degraded and humiliated for money. This involves "ex-girlfriend" porn, "ex-wife" images, and "celebrity fantasy" images as well as celebrity Photoshop jobs sold as REAL. It's outrageous. Right now, because EBAY is as arrogant, power-mad and control-freak bat-shit crazy as the Scientology cult or the Westboro Baptist Church, they REFUSE to obey Federal law or honor their own "Terms of Service" on what's offensive or obscene. The only way to fight this is for individual celebrities to send in takedowns which EBAY can NOT ignore.
And if EMMA WATSON and a few others did this, the creeps who sell the material would have no market and go away. Sellers like THIS:
What kind of idiot, what kind of bubble-head in a bubble would NOT be offended by this stuff sold on her? What IS wrong with EMMA WATSON?
Living well is the best revenge? Don't want to get a few eBay sellers upset with you? The fact is, living well, or living at ALL, could be compromised BECAUSE of these sellers. Who the hell are they selling to? Haters. Sex perverts. Deranged freaks. Dopes who think these images are real and come stalking because they want what they want.
The fact is, the sellers get stopped all the time. It's just that they don't get stopped ENOUGH. If a seller gets stopped on a few women, EBAY may restrict a seller for a month. It might take another two or three takedown requests from different actresses to get a suspension. Still, this is not whack-a-mole. Sellers don't come back very often. If a few more celebs at the level of Emma Watson (and that could be Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston) all took a stand, this problem would be OVER. At least, on EBAY, where these crude are making a profit. There will always be creepy websites and private forums where smirking haters show off their Photoshop skills, but at least they aren't making money off it.
What EMMA WATSON and the others need to understand is that this isn't about self-respect only, or feminism, it's about self-preservation. Act as if you don't care about rape images, and you run a SEVERE risk. Act as if you don't care about people who you think can't affect your life...and you could be WRONG.
"Nothing's gonna change our world," sang John Lennon.
Here's the page on eBay that explains how EASY it is for any celebrity to get VeRO protection. Just fill out of a form and designate somebody.
Unfortunately, at the moment, there is NO such protection for ordinary women who have no idea an ex-husband or boyfriend is selling their nude photos or selling Photoshop fakes on them. It would be up to EBAY to do the right thing, and prohibit the sale of nude images for which there is no model release of age and CONSENT.
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