Saturday, December 10, 2016

EBAY - Where Rape Fantasy and Ex-Girlfriend Abuse is not "Offensive"

Make 2017 the year of RESPECT FOR WOMEN. YOU can help. 

Ebay does not consider gangbang fantasy, rape images, or selling "ex-girlfriend" nude photos WITHOUT CONSENT to be violations of their "Offensive Materials" rules.

Being an Internet giant, they also flaunt Federal Law, which states that pornographers MUST have statements of age and CONSENT for what they sell, and have it on file for inspection.

Go to EBAY.COM and scroll their "category" menu to "everything else: ADULT" and you'll find these items and worse:

Contact the United States ATTORNEY GENERAL and request that Federal Law be enforced on EBAY. Bring this problem to the attention of anyone in law enforcement, any women's group, any political group you think might be able to help. 

Contact, via Twitter or e-mail, California senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and ask them to take action. EBAY's CEO (Mr. Wenig) and LegalCounsel(Ms. Marie Huber) have their headquarters in San Jose, California. These female Senators should be make sure that their constituents (including famous actresses, but also ANY "ex wife" or "ex girlfriend" are protected.

The more people who are made aware of this sneaky and illegal problem on eBay, the faster women will be protected. 

Contact your local Senator. Call up eBay's only phone number that accepts calls (this company is as secretive as the Scientology cult) and tell them "offensive materials" includes exploiting women without their knowledge or consent. 1 (866) 540-3229 

Taylor Swift - Is Porn OK with Zayn AND Ebay?

The latest with Taylor Swift is that she and ex-One Dimension Zayn Malik (of Gigi Hadid fame) have teamed up to promote the newest submission-cosplay-is-great "Shades of Gray" movie. 

Does that mean that wholesome Taylor Swift, who used to complain about copyright abuse and used to be a role model (the anti-Miley), has grown up? 

It seems to mean that her VeRO rep for Ebay abuse is no longer interested in spending 5 minutes stopping abusive auctions. Taylor Swift certainly has the money to pay somebody, even a lowly intern or secretary, to check eBay once a week and take 5 minutes to cut and paste auction numbers. Yet, today (December 10th) these are among the degrading and cynical auctions on eBAY: 

Let's remember, Taylor Swift is supposed to be one of the more responsible female stars, not somebody who twerks in public or goes topless at a disco. Ironically, she and Zayn have enough money to really make a difference in many ways. So why allow dozens of lewd porn images on eBay? 

All it takes to make a difference on EBAY is for a bunch of today's big young stars (Emma Watson, Emmy Rossum, Taylor Swift, etc.) to make sure a VeRO rep checks the adult section of Ebay each week. Soon enough, the sellers will either give up due to lack of sales or end up suspended. 

A great benefit for people like Taylor Swift, is that VeRO stoppage on eBay resonates. If four or five VeRO reps all report a specific seller, that seller can't abuse the other 30 or 40 women that are also on his list. 

In the 21st Century, does Taylor Swift really think it's ok for some sleaze bag in Michigan to concoct Photoshop fakes showing her being gang banged or raped? 

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Abusing women is so common, teenagers do it. It leads to heartbreak and even suicide. 

Below you will hear about THREE GIRLS WHO KILLED THEMSELVES because of sexual abuse gone wild on the INTERNET. But first, a word  about EBAY's role. 

EBAY seems to be so indifferent to "objectifying women" that they don't think ANY of these images should be removed as "offensive materials." 

Heidi Klum happily penetrated in bondage. Winona Ryder with her genitals abused and in bondage. Taylor Swift being abused. Emma Watson passively taking two men at the same time. Kate Hudson in imagined lesbian scenes. 

It's a fact: our porn culture glamorizes violent fantasy. Good thing? Maybe. Porn actresses are PAID for their time. They CONSENT. Watching porn fantasies may keep some people from acting out such scenes WITHOUT consent. 

Unfortunately, EBAY does not understand the difference between CONSENT and sexual abuse. Aren't these images sexual abuse? Emma Watson, Taylor Swift (spelled T A Y L E R to avoid being caught by her VeRO rep), Winona Ryder, Heidi Klum and hundreds more, are being abused. 

The excuse is "Fantasy?" Sorry. If a man walked around an office or an apartment building showing his "fantasy" images of neighbors or co-workers, he'd be arrested. On eBay, he's financially compensated, and eBay and PAYPAL take a percentage.

The damage? Idiots like Kate Hudson might figure that there's no harm in being abused on the Internet. As long as you live in a gated community, and have good hotel security where you go, no nut is going to do a Rebecca Schaeffer on you. 

The damage: 

Audrie Pott is DEAD, Emma Watson. She is DEAD. She killed herself. She was younger than YOU are, EMMA WATSON.

Do we blame porn, and Internet laxity. Yes. Yes, we do. If porn wasn't available to any kid with a computer, and if sites such as EBAY didn't promote and embrace objectifying women, it's quite possible Audrie Post would still be alive. And so would Jill Naber. And so would Rehtaeh Parsons, and hundreds of other girls. 

Put it this way: EBAY allowing sellers to post images that are OFFENSIVE, is condoning these images. EBAY is saying, "Hey, it's OK if you have lewd, misogynistic, weird fantasies about women AND POST THEM WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT."

Ebay is saying, "CONSENT is not necessary. Post your "ex-wife" photos, your "ex-girlfriend" photos, and stolen pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, and Photoshopped images of even underage girls like Emma Watson, whose face in Harry Potter movies when she was under 18 are regularly used for the faked porn. 

The message sent by EBAY and the Internet in general, is "Guys, you can do as you please. Date rape. Roofies. Taking advantage of a girl who passed out at a party. It's ALL good." Rape a girl and you might get less than 30 days in jail. Or no jail time at all. Abuse a girl and take photos of her and put them on the Internet, and that's OK. If the girl kills herself, well, there are plenty of other girls.

A Rolling Stone piece chronicled the way that girls such as Audrie Pott are taken advantage of. What's wrong with groping a girl who passed out? Writing things all over her body? POSTING THE IMAGES ON THE INTERNET WITHOUT HER CONSENT? 

The article also mentioned how girls are encouraged to not be prudish, and take nude selfies...which suddenly get passed around beyond their control. 

There you have it EMMA. And Kate Hudson. And Winona. And Heidi. And T A Y L E R. 

What are you doing about it, with your celebrity and your deep pocket books? Most of you are doing nothing at all. Some of you have actually turned down free help. Some of your managers and agents have said, "Yeah, so what" and "It's whack-a-mole" when it IS a problem, and especially on eBAY it is NOT "whack-a-mole." There are VeRO reps who are vigilant and have gotten sellers suspended and gotten their women respect. Taylor Swift's VeRO rep is halfway there, at least making SOME of the abusers switch Taylor's name to T A Y L E R to avoid being caught. 

Yes, some female celebrities are "in the bubble." They don't have websites where they can be contacted, or they rely on indifferent money-grubbing managers and agents to do their thinking for them. Some TWEET but don't ever READ Tweeted responses, and toss their egotistic remarks to Facebook but never bother with the comments, which just MIGHT include a "heads up" on EBAY porn or some other issue. 

And so the EBAY sellers get away with it, abetted by EBAY's frank indifference to what "offensive materials" means and what CONSENT is all about. And guys in the "real world" get away with the "fun" of passing around doctored up porn on their schoolmates, or photos taken without consent. 

Emma Watson, it's easy to re-tweet somebody's "we need respect for women" tweet. It's easy to skip around tossing Maya Angelou books in the subways (where WHO gets them, bums? why aren't you handing these out in schools, especially ones in poor neighborhoods??) It's also EASY to remove the porn on you that EBAY is selling. You just tell somebody "you are my VeRO rep. Go to eBay, scroll the menu of categories to "everything else, adult," and check it once a week. Cut and paste the auction numbers and email them to" 

Simple?  It preserves your dignity and guess what, if you, and idiot Kate Hudson and Winona Ryder do it all at the same time, the creep who posted the images would be suspended and unable to victimize anyone. 

Little EMMA WATSON and her Clueless Tweets

What do you make of little EMMA WATSON, re-tweeting about violence to women the day after Thanksgiving? 

To use a Bill Maher term, is she..."IN THE BUBBLE?" 

Does she NOT know that a "fundamental human right" is for girls and women NOT to be "objectified?" Even Congressman Paul Ryan knows that. He pointed it out in criticizing Donald Trump's lewd language and behavior. 

But look at what EBAY is selling on EMMA WATSON, right now: 

That's two of over TWO HUNDRED images in eBay's "adults only" area. 

At one time, Emma's attorney went after the Celebrity Jihad website for running a photo of Emma in what was a slightly see-through top. Lord knows what the billing hours were for THAT. And guess what, the photos are still up. Meanwhile look at the images above. 

The fact is, until there are stronger Internet laws (which Google, Amazon, Wikipedia and Julian Assange oppose), there's no way to set up a block on a rogue website like Celebrity Jihad, with servers in Croatia someplace, anymore than copyright owners can do much about Pirate Bay sites. 

BUT, eBay is located in San Jose, and they DO respond to a DMCA (takedown). It takes a minute. In fact, Watson's manager AND agent both were made aware of the eBay situation. Emma surely must know about it by now. Where is the action? 

If you don't take action to protect yourself, you are not protecting your fellow sisters. If Emma Watson's people sent takedowns to, not only would the 200 abuses be gone, but many of the sellers would be suspended permanently. Ebay does suspend repeat offenders. 

This site would like eBay to BAN all "celebrity porn" items, and BAN home-made porn that does not state there's a model release "of age and consent." It would be helpful if Ebay's "Offensive Materials" rules applied to images such as the above. Right now, the people at eBay who check over "Offensive Materials" do NOT consider the above images OFFENSIVE. Amazing, isn't it? 

But twits like Watson (or Goldie Hawn, or Kate Hudson or Tina Louise) aren't helping matters. 

Don't just TWEET. Fight. Join the women who DO have VeRO reps. A VeRO rep can be anyone. Emma could assign a caring friend to do it. All that's need is authorization, not a law degree. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

THE JUDAS WHORES - Emma Watson, Goldie Hawn and others

There are some women who have said, point blank, they "DON'T CARE" if Ebay sellers sell filthy Photoshop fakes on them. Pictures like this: 

They really think it's a GOOD idea to give perverts the idea that they POSE like this? That they'd like to be STALKED? That they want to receive lewd mail or phone calls? That they want to be like the late Rebecca Schaeffer and get killed for not putting out for a FAN? 

There are some women who have manager and agents that simply will NOT take sexual harassment seriously. 

If they can't persuade their CLIENT (not human being) to fork over $500 an hour to stop a few EBAY auctions, they don't care.  (The CLIENT should care, but maybe the CLIENT is sick of getting $5,000 in billing hours on a $500 problem.) 

It takes 5 minutes to check the "adult section" of eBAY, find the offensive material, and email a takedown. That's all. Contrary to belief, it is not "whack-a-mole" on EBAY. Active VeRO reps report that the number of violations dwindle to next to nothing within a few weeks.  

Hello, EMMA WATSON. The seller abusing Goldie Hawn is abusing YOU: 

The seller is also abusing 100's of other women. Ironically, it includes a woman who filed and won an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit on a guy who viciously posted porn about her all over the Internet. 

Doesn't Erin know about what this EBAY seller is doing? Does she know that if she, Goldie and Emma filed on him, he'd be suspended and not able to PREY ON WOMEN ANYMORE?

How does a woman NOT care about seeing herself depicted as a sex object, a humiliated and degraded fool, or a whore? 

How can a woman NOT want to join the fight and add her name? Especially when it doesn't even cost anything? "Goldie, if you sign on, you will be helping hundreds of other women. All it takes is a few more names to get these sellers removed." No? 

That's like a black saying, "Lynchings don't bother me."

That's like a Jew saying, "Holocaust denial doesn't bother me." 

How does any woman allow some guy in New Jersey to pimp her pictures? Hawn was told "There's a VERO rep who will help you, FREE. It takes exactly ONE MINUTE to file a takedown, and it WORKS. All you need to do is sign an authorization form."

No. And forget about Kate Hudson, too. 

What will it take? Waking up at four in the morning to find a pervert at your bedside, holding a photo he bought on EBAY, and asking you to POSE THE SAME WAY? 

When a Black donates to the NAACP, when a Jew donates to the Wiesenthal Center, it sends a message of unity. All women should oppose being objectified. When even Congressman Paul Ryan tells the world "women should not be objectified," what kind of woman shrugs? 

Where is the unity when a Goldie Hawn or an Emma Watson IGNORES blatant abuse? Did they vote for Hillary? Do they consider themselves right-thinkers? Is their excuse that they live in a BUBBLE? That they only post on Twitter but don't read Tweets? That they expect their agents and managers to do their jobs?

You'd think Erin Andrews' manager would want to stop the image above. OR...give authorization to someone to stop it. 

Goldie Hawn runs a charity. Emma Watson skips around tossing Maya Angelou books into subways. And yet, if you ask them to do NOTHING but SIGN AN AUTHORIZATION form, they, their agents and their managers look the other way.

These are THE JUDAS WHORES. Either they live in the bubble (to use a Bill Maher expression) or they smile at how thick-skinned they are. Either way, they are part of the problem.

Or did they expect that if they voted for Hillary, all would be taken care of? That Hillary would see to it that EBAY simply obeys Federal Law and stops allowing sellers to post offensive materials photos that don't have any signed documentation of age or CONSENT? 

Hawn and Watson (and others) could stop the abuse on themselves AND their sisters. And they don't. 

What would you call them? How about- THE JUDAS WHORES? 

Monday, November 14, 2016


You hear it in courtrooms whenever a sexual predator has been caught: 

"I want him locked up. I don't want him to sexually abuse another woman ever again." 

The judge agrees.

EBAY does NOT.

EBAY likes the idea of Taylor Swift stripped naked and put into bondage. That'll teach her, for being rich and famous and protecting her modesty. 

What's the point of woman-hating porn like this? To have power over a woman. To degrade her. To humiliate her. 

EBAY: "We're GOOD with that!" 

Proof? This seller, a 60-something sicko in New Jersey, has been stopped several times by VeRO reps for various female stars. It's been proven he has NO licensing and NO model releases. 

It's been proven he's victimizing women. EBAY has been told, in essence, several times, "He's done this to me against my will. Please make sure he does not do this to me again, or to any other woman."

EBAY's answer? "If he does it to you again we'll give him a warning. If he does it again, another warning. Again, and he might have his account "restricted." Again, and perhaps he'll only be allowed to post 500 abusive woman-hating auctions instead of his usual 1000. NO, we don't have a rule on how many stoppages lead to a suspension or how many women have to be victimized before an obvious woman-hater can no longer profit from his sick ideas." 

EBAY's attitude is, "Just because several woman have  complained, doesn't mean ALL his auctions are illegal. And, no, we won't ask him to produce a single signed document of age or CONSENT." 

This is the 21st Century. Some things never change. Misogyny, for example. Greed, for example. Where is the common sense that says it's OFFENSIVE for someone to humiliate and degrade someone else on the basis of their gender? 

Please check with your Senator, the FTC, the Attorney General, and join the protest for change. Create a petition. Contact EBAY 866-540-3229 and let them know that they need to obey Federal Law and stop the hate. 


On Twitter, EBAY pays some moron to Tweet utter drivel. 

GOSH. Did you know EBAY sells a pair of sneakers every 5 seconds? 

Then why does EBAY need sellers who literally post a thousand dirty, humiliating photos of "ex-wives" and "ex-girlfriends" and celebrities? 

Isn't EBAY making enough money without being pimps for woman-hating monsters? A guy in his 60's in New Jersey is making money downloading Photoshop woman-hate from sneaky Internet porn forums and printing it out. Images like THIS:

A woman is put in bondage and kept there till, in humiliation, she starts urinating. That's not the bad part, oddly enough.

The woman is a paid porn actress who has consented to be in a bondage-fetish photo shoot. The woman from the NECK DOWN. 

Someone else's head has been Photoshopped into the picture. The full EBAY AD:

Jennette McCurdy has NO IDEA a woman-hater is using her this way: to get $11 from another woman-hater. 

JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 has over 1,000 such images, on everyone from Taylor Swift to wholesome deceased stars Annette Funicello, Donna Douglas and Donna Reed. (The more wholesome the star and the more debased the faked image, the more likely the sale). 

Here's a fact about SNEAKY EBAY: if Jennette McCurdy or Taylor Swift typed their names in on EBAY.COM they would not see the porn ads on them. They wouldn't even see the ad censored with a disclaimer: "ADULTS ONLY item needs legal age verification and consent."

NO. EBAY doesn't want their dirty secret to be so obvious. Items such as the above are hidden where only the thousands of creepy, dangerous woman-haters know to look. They know to go to EBAY.COM, scroll the category list to "everything else...ADULT..." and bookmark that. 

Many celebrities, agents and managers who have seen this website and joined the VeRO program (to take down such items) had NO IDEA there was an adult section filled with such hateful images. That's how SNEAKY the supposedly moral and profitable EBAY really is. 

Why allow JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and others (noted in posts below) sell junk like this? There's no CONSENT. Federal law is being broken. The sellers do not state they have a signed model release. 

EBAY is so desperate to be pimp to amateur woman-haters, and take a dollar of the profit? To award a seller like this a "TOP RATED" insignia? 

Right now EBAY shrugs and says that Jennette McCurdy and Taylor Swift and Emma Watson and 100 other actresses, as well as every "ex-wife" and "ex-girlfriend," should know about their dirty secret "Adults Only" area, check it every week, and e-mail a takedown REQUEST to them. 

EBAY seems to be siding with the date rapists of the world, the ones who figure if a woman has passed out, she can be assaulted without consent. From the college kid who raped a girl at a party to the Uber driver who raped a woman who had passed out in a car, the message is: it's the woman's fault. Even if she is unaware of what's going on. Where do these guys get such ideas? Maybe from trolling EBAY and the porn section loaded with woman-hating photos of humiliation and degradation. 

EBAY, which actually has rules on "offensive materials," somehow doesn't find it offensive to graft a woman's head on a porn image, or to have headers that read "my ex-wife naked" or "hot pix of my ex-girlfriend," sold with the extra hate-thrill that the woman are being victimized by REVENGE PORN without their CONSENT.



When will that day come? 

Please contact your local politician, your state Senator, the Attorney General, or the FTC, and voice your concern about EBAY breaking Federal law on signed model releases, and abusing women for fun and profit. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Oh, "Harry Potter" and oh FANTASY WORLD. Oh, Fantasy Feminist EMMA WATSON.

The latest news on precious Emma is from the Huffity-Puffity Huffington Post. They are SO delighted that little Emma is frolicking around the subway systems of London and New York City hiding Maya Angelou books. 

What the FUCK does that mean? Hillary Clinton has just lost the election to Mr. "grab her pussy" Trump, and the world is being saved because a millionaire actress is leaving books for silly girls to find? 

EMMA, first off, how about telling your followers there is such a thing as a LIBRARY?

Second, how is it possible that the same girl who had a lawyer rage and spit at the CELEBRITY JIHAD porn site (over a sweater photo) isn't aware or angry about OVER 500 FAKE NUDES BEING SOLD AS REAL ON EBAY?

Yes, over 500. 

Go to EBAY, check the "category" list on the top right, scroll down to "EVERYTHING ELSE," and you get the "ADULT'S ONLY" section. If you're registered on eBAY, you can then see OVER 500 images, which, as you see here, are NOT marked "Fantasy" they are sold as REAL.

The fact is, EBAY will remove these items if they are asked. Emma, her mother, her designated VeRO rep, her lawyer (it doesn't HAVE to be her lawyer, if he's a high-priced bastard who won't do anything for under $500 an hour) can get this stuff STOPPED. Google VERO or write to and discover how easy the procedure is.

IF Emma and a few other famous actresses reported this junk, eBay's degenerates would all be suspended. Instead, they defame and objectify ALL women for as low as $3.99 a picture. They are having fun being pimps. They delight in having "control" over Emma Watson and the others. They get their kicks being sick.

Who stops it? It doesn't get stopped by skipping around subways and underground stations planting Maya Angelou books. Maya Angelou would probably be the first to say, "God bless the child who's got her own...DIGNITY. GO FOR IT, GIRL." 

THIS stuff should NOT be making money for creepy guys.

Take a look at those images. Now doesn't THIS from the Huffity-Puffity magical bunnies at Huffington seem just a little bit frivolous and ridiculous?

"I'm fighting for your honor, which is more than you ever did."
Groucho Marx to Margaret Dumont.

Is that what THIS website is about? Is it possible that pointing out what seem to be horrific, intolerable abuses just doesn't seem TOO bad to the victims?

Right now, let's think that the visual rapists of EBAY are getting their money and their jollies only because very rich and pampered princesses like Emma Watson don't know what's going on, and their snotty managers and agents won't pick up the phone unless they hear "Million dollar offer" on the other line, and not, "Hey, I noticed your client being visually raped FIVE HUNDRED TIMES ON EBAY, PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES TO DO SOMETHING." 

Monday, November 7, 2016


It would be sad if Ebay falls flat on its face into bankruptcy, due to a class action lawsuit.

Ebay is a very useful website, with "terms of service" and rules on selling that are often stricter than laws in the "real world." It just has some blind spots that SHOULD be fixed before it's too late. 

EBAY (and PAYPAL) are risking ruin just to get 60 cents commission on items that are not only offensive but ILLEGAL. Being "just a venue" doesn't absolve you of lawsuits and jail. Imagine CEO Devin Wenig spending a few years in the slammer because he knowingly was a PIMP to pedophiles and misogynists. Why risk it? 

Ebay may not be responsible if a seller offers chloroform and it's used in a sexual assault (see: Braunstein, Peter). After all, eBay has a rule now. You can't sell chloroform, and if it's reported, the item is removed. BUT...eBay CAN be held responsible if it does NOT have a clear rule against such illegal activity as....THESE TWO ITEMS: 

The sellers do not say they have PERMISSION to sell the photos. There is nothing about conforming to FEDERAL LAW, or having a "signed model release of age and CONSENT."

EBAY does not say in its TOS, that sellers can ONLY offer items for which there are SIGNED MODEL RELEASES OF AGE AND CONSENT. It should. Why not? What part of CONSENT do you find objectionable, Devin Wenig? YOU, Devin Wenig: 

Only a DEVIL would refuse to correct a situation that involves TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WOMEN, and OBJECTIFYING WOMEN. 

Sex without CONSENT is rape. It's assault. It's jail. If you're the pimp, you can go to jail right along with the whore. Would a judge rule that DEVIN WENIG is a pimp because he is making money from illegal sales that exploit women without their CONSENT?

PAYPAL and EBAY are making money from "ex wife" and "ex girlfriend" auctions that sell BECAUSE the implication is that this is REVENGE PORN.

There have been recent precedents about CONSENT on the Internet. Here's an example.

Dani merely "shared" a naked photo, and the woman, blurry in the background, was not easy to identify. Dani claims she made a mistake. EBAY and PAYPAL can't claim it's a mistake, when dozens of actresses have complained about sellers abusing and using their images...sellers that are STILL not suspended. 

On EBAY, "my ex-wife" and "my ex-girlfriend" photos are being sold blatantly, in sharp, clear color. 

On EBAY famous women are routinely humiliated, degraded, and visually raped so that EBAY's Devin Wenig and his employees can make a profit.  

A very angry judge just might find that EVERYONE at EBAY and PAYPAL has profited from illegal sales that could have and should have been stopped. 

Why risk this, Devin? Why risk this, PAYPAL? 

A judge might look to typical sellers like JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and ALANAVERY, who had takedowns against them and were allowed to keep going, and going and going. Most every one of the "dirty dozen" sampled here, have had takedowns. Some keep right on selling on the same victims, merely altering the spelling. "Tayler" Swift anyone? Ha ha. "T-a-y-l-o-r" Swift? Ho ho. Swift's VeRO rep is supposed to spend all day checking misspelled auctions? Why doesn't EBAY suspend sellers like this? 

Why has EBAY yet to add to their commendable "offensive materials" rules, a line that "ex-wives" and "ex-girlfriends" and "celebrity porn" are illegal on their site? Why is it that a photo of Michelle Obama naked could be removed because it's racially offensive, or a photo of a woman in a Nazi outfit dominating a man can be removed because it depicts "hate," but THIS is OK: 

As Judd Apatow might phrase it, "What is so DELICIOUS" about a "fantasy" image of Selena Gomez being raped? 

What if, instead of Selena's face Photoshopped into the image, it was MARIE OH HUBER, the legal counsel of EBAY? What if an employee showed it around, saying it was his "fantasy" that Marie get raped? 

You can bet that employee would be fired. Maybe even arrested. Why is it that EBAY does not protect Selena Gomez and all celebrities, and all women who are being victimized on the site with "ex-wife" and "ex-girlfriend" images? 

You don't "Fantasize" about a woman being raped. That's prurient interest, which is a definition of obscenity. EBAY so far has refused to do anything about "celebrity porn," where famous women are treated to degradation and humiliation for profit. It hasn't banned "ex-wife" images or other images that violate FEDERAL LAW by not having a signed model release of age and CONSENT. 

The seller abusing Selena Gomez has nearly ONETHOUSAND auctions on the site, NONE of them legal, NONE of them with CONSENT, ALL of them offering stolen photos of celebrities AND stolen photos of porn models grafted together. These are some of them, all of them hateful and malicious and invasions of privacy. Invasion of Privacy (like taking a photo of a woman undressing in a health club) IS a crime. 

The point of the "offensive materials" depicted above is pretty obvious. The seller is a misogynist and a racist. The idea is to "fantasize" about white women being raped, gang-banged, or having gleeful sex with black men. These are all cheap $6.00 pictures and EBAY and PAYPAL need the sixty cents they make off them?

PAYPAL supposedly has "Terms of Service" and definite rules against obscenity. Yet, when put to the test, they hide behind their Scientology-like wall of stooges, and resort to form letters, and rote speeches delivered by people trained to not even give out their real names when they answer the phone.

This is the 21st Century? This is happening at a time when Congressman Paul Ryan declares that women should NOT be "objectified," and that crude remarks by Donald Trump should not be tolerated? 

Trump's remarks are mild compared to the images you see on this website. 

Is it possible that DEVIN WENIG and MARIE OH HUBER are being "shielded" by their underlings, and don't know what's going on at EBAY in the "adults only" section? If that's the excuse, they should know that it's NO excuse under the law. It would be very sad for eBay's employees and stock holders to have serious problems arise because of cheap, underhanded $6.00 dupe photos posted by snickering and hateful sellers, sellers who have NO right to do it, are flaunting Federal law, and have NO statement of age or CONSENT. 

Lastly, another recent case: ROLLING STONE is in deep trouble because they implied that somebody was behaving improperly in dealing with sexual matters. Let's just say ROLLING STONE would never run "ex wife" or "ex girlfriend" pictures or have a website where celebrities are wrongfully depicted as engaging in sexual acts. JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and, in fact, most of the dirtiest sellers on eBay, insist their photos are REAL. That's a REAL offense called LIBEL. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

TAYLOR SWIFT $170 Million Success - Humiliated on EBAY with NICKEL & DIME PERV AUCTIONS

At the same time TAYLOR SWIFT is being lauded for being a great role model, a fantastic success story, and the $170 MILLION woman, 21 EBAY auctions are viciously degrading her.

It seems that SOME guys really hate women, don't they? They are jealous, frustrated, and twisted. The best way these men "get even" is to visually rape the women they can't have, and depict them in every degrading pose, and make them out to be sluts.

Like this image, sold as PUSSY ASS TOPLESS by a crass pervert that EBAY encourages

Sellers such as

vintagestars88   -Chicago
celebarts  -  Las Vegas 
sinnersandsaints69   - IDAHO
glasjoy   - IDAHO

do nothing but steal vicious photos off the Internet and sell them. They target any successful woman, and ESPECIALLY prey on women with good reputations, like Taylor Swift. 

Congressman Paul Ryan has told the world that women should not be "objectified" but EBAY CEO Devin Wenig seems to have missed that message. Maybe he's too busy with other aspects of running a huge corporation. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt for JUST a while longer.

Federal law says that sellers of pornography must have signed documents of AGE AND CONSENT, and none of the eBay sellers of TAYLOR SWIFT and other "celebrity porn" or "ex-wife" or "ex-girlfriend" photos have such documents. They should all be suspended. There's NO excuse for allowing women to be abused this way. 

Women who want to be in porn sign the documents. Those that don't should be LEFT ALONE. Women should not have to worry that some pervert on eBay is doctoring up photos on them, or selling private pictures stolen or hacked or simply not intended for sale.

Any Taylor Swift fan should be able to report this junk and have it removed:

In the REAL WORLD, any guy who doctors up a photo of a woman, and shows it around with a snicker, would be FIRED. Do it on Twitter or Facebook and the account would be SUSPENDED.

Do it on EBAY, get paid, and give EBAY and PAYPAL 50 cents commission, and it's OK. 

Only it's NOT. It's especially NOT ok for a creep who calls himself CELEBARTS to doctor up a photo and pretend it's REAL. He pretends TAYLOR SWIFT poses naked. This kind of crap is dangerous. There are enough stalker-idiots out there already, without getting more of them excited by making them think Taylor Swift is easy, and ready for ANY guy to assault. THIS is reckless, stupid and EBAY should not allow it: 

There's no excuse for this. NONE. 

EBAY hides behind a phone number that won't let you talk to a real person: 408-376-7400. Why is that? 

Their other number is 866-540-3229 - call up and tell the stooge who answers it that you want to speak to CEO DEVIN WENIG and you want women's rights respected on EBAY. EBAY needs to obey FEDERAL LAW and COMMON SENSE. 

VERO@EBAY.COM should not be waiting for Taylor Swift's rep to report garbage like this from repeat offenders. These sellers should be SUSPENDED. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Ebay has one rule for Barack Obama, and another for Hillary Clinton. 

Why? Because Barack Obama is black. And Hillary Clinton is just a woman. 

If somebody posted a "fantasy" image of Obama being humiliated, it would be removed instantly. It would be considered "racist." 

Ebay has NO such restrictions on a "fantasy" image of Hillary Clinton being humiliated. 

That tells you that, to quote John Lennon's controversial song, WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD. 

The proof is on EBAY right NOW:

Use the "Report This Item" link and say these images are a violation of "Offensive Materials." NOTHING HAPPENS. Why? "Offensive" does not apply to WOMEN on eBay, only to ethnic or religious groups. 

Check the rules; Hillary Clinton is not black, Jewish she can't be protected against being treated like a nigger a kike or a fag. She is a WOMAN. So she can be abused for being female. She can be visually raped or presented as a slut or a whore. 

The seller above is "TOP RATED" on EBAY. For abusing women. More like "TOP RAPIST."

WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD on EBAY. Women are excluded from the protection the sites gives to any religious group or ethnic group:  

Do you see anything there that defends women's rights?

Senator Paul Ryan said on Oct 7, 2016: "Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.” 

Who doesn't seem to agree? The CEO of EBAY, DEVIN WENIG. THIS GUY:

One of the cheesiest loopholes on EBAY is the one that protects SELLERS and VICTIMIZES WOMEN: it's ok to duplicate a photo even if EBAY has a rule saying you can't. 

This is how it works. EBAY technically has a rule that tells sellers they can not download photos off the Internet and dupe them, or scan pages out of a magazine, or take a celebrity's image and make a mousepad or a t-shirt out of it:

How does EBAY get around their own rule? 

"Ebay is JUST a venue," they say, hiding behind the "Digital Millennium Act," which was passed before Pirate Bay loomed, and Wikileaks dribbled their stolen and hacked material. 

Ebay will not ask a seller to produce a document of authorization. It will not tell VALKYRIEMEDIA "Show us your signed model release of age and CONSENT from Hillary Clinton or the other WOMEN you are sexually assaulting." Ebay will not say, "You are violating our TERMS OF SERVICE so we are removing these items, and will suspend you if you do it again."

To put it simply: WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD. The world of EBAY. 

Does it take President Hillary Clinton to alert the Attorney General to shut down EBAY for violating Federal Law? 

Does EBAY really need the 50 cents they and PAYPAL make off a crude, sexist, nasty and misogynistic image of Hillary Clinton or the other celebrities you can see below? 

EBAY hides behind a phone number that won't let you talk to a real person: 408-376-7400. Why is that? 

Their other number is 866-540-3229 - call up and tell the stooge on the phone from India or the Philippines that you want to talk to CEO DEVIN WENIG about why he thinks WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD. 

In his controversial, hard-hitting lyric, JOHN LENNON raged about the abuses of women. One mild line was, "We make her paint her face and dance." Well, all these years after his assassination, it's gotten worse, hasn't it?

On EBAY, without their consent, without a signed model release, EBAY SELLERS make up vicious "fantasy" images of women and sell them for their profit. They think up the most humiliating and degrading images possible, putting women in slavery and in bondage.

Yes, the irony is that EBAY would instantly remove an image of Michelle Obama put into bondage. It would be considered racist. But do it to Taylor Swift or Jennifer Lawrence and that's ok? Because WOMAN IS THE NIGGER OF THE WORLD in the world of eBay. 

These images are on EBAY right now. WHY?