They really think it's a GOOD idea to give perverts the idea that they POSE like this? That they'd like to be STALKED? That they want to receive lewd mail or phone calls? That they want to be like the late Rebecca Schaeffer and get killed for not putting out for a FAN?
There are some women who have manager and agents that simply will NOT take sexual harassment seriously.
If they can't persuade their CLIENT (not human being) to fork over $500 an hour to stop a few EBAY auctions, they don't care. (The CLIENT should care, but maybe the CLIENT is sick of getting $5,000 in billing hours on a $500 problem.)
It takes 5 minutes to check the "adult section" of eBAY, find the offensive material, and email a takedown. That's all. Contrary to belief, it is not "whack-a-mole" on EBAY. Active VeRO reps report that the number of violations dwindle to next to nothing within a few weeks.
Hello, EMMA WATSON. The seller abusing Goldie Hawn is abusing YOU:
The seller is also abusing 100's of other women. Ironically, it includes a woman who filed and won an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit on a guy who viciously posted porn about her all over the Internet.
Doesn't Erin know about what this EBAY seller is doing? Does she know that if she, Goldie and Emma filed on him, he'd be suspended and not able to PREY ON WOMEN ANYMORE?
How does a woman NOT care about seeing herself depicted as a sex object, a humiliated and degraded fool, or a whore?
How can a woman NOT want to join the fight and add her name? Especially when it doesn't even cost anything? "Goldie, if you sign on, you will be helping hundreds of other women. All it takes is a few more names to get these sellers removed." No?
That's like a black saying, "Lynchings don't bother me."
That's like a Jew saying, "Holocaust denial doesn't bother me."
How does any woman allow some guy in New Jersey to pimp her pictures? Hawn was told "There's a VERO rep who will help you, FREE. It takes exactly ONE MINUTE to file a takedown, and it WORKS. All you need to do is sign an authorization form."
No. And forget about Kate Hudson, too.
What will it take? Waking up at four in the morning to find a pervert at your bedside, holding a photo he bought on EBAY, and asking you to POSE THE SAME WAY?
When a Black donates to the NAACP, when a Jew donates to the Wiesenthal Center, it sends a message of unity. All women should oppose being objectified. When even Congressman Paul Ryan tells the world "women should not be objectified," what kind of woman shrugs?
Where is the unity when a Goldie Hawn or an Emma Watson IGNORES blatant abuse? Did they vote for Hillary? Do they consider themselves right-thinkers? Is their excuse that they live in a BUBBLE? That they only post on Twitter but don't read Tweets? That they expect their agents and managers to do their jobs?
You'd think Erin Andrews' manager would want to stop the image above. OR...give authorization to someone to stop it.
Goldie Hawn runs a charity. Emma Watson skips around tossing Maya Angelou books into subways. And yet, if you ask them to do NOTHING but SIGN AN AUTHORIZATION form, they, their agents and their managers look the other way.
These are THE JUDAS WHORES. Either they live in the bubble (to use a Bill Maher expression) or they smile at how thick-skinned they are. Either way, they are part of the problem.
Or did they expect that if they voted for Hillary, all would be taken care of? That Hillary would see to it that EBAY simply obeys Federal Law and stops allowing sellers to post offensive materials photos that don't have any signed documentation of age or CONSENT?
Hawn and Watson (and others) could stop the abuse on themselves AND their sisters. And they don't.
What would you call them? How about- THE JUDAS WHORES?
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