To use a Bill Maher term, is she..."IN THE BUBBLE?"
Does she NOT know that a "fundamental human right" is for girls and women NOT to be "objectified?" Even Congressman Paul Ryan knows that. He pointed it out in criticizing Donald Trump's lewd language and behavior.
But look at what EBAY is selling on EMMA WATSON, right now:
That's two of over TWO HUNDRED images in eBay's "adults only" area.
At one time, Emma's attorney went after the Celebrity Jihad website for running a photo of Emma in what was a slightly see-through top. Lord knows what the billing hours were for THAT. And guess what, the photos are still up. Meanwhile look at the images above.
The fact is, until there are stronger Internet laws (which Google, Amazon, Wikipedia and Julian Assange oppose), there's no way to set up a block on a rogue website like Celebrity Jihad, with servers in Croatia someplace, anymore than copyright owners can do much about Pirate Bay sites.
BUT, eBay is located in San Jose, and they DO respond to a DMCA (takedown). It takes a minute. In fact, Watson's manager AND agent both were made aware of the eBay situation. Emma surely must know about it by now. Where is the action?
If you don't take action to protect yourself, you are not protecting your fellow sisters. If Emma Watson's people sent takedowns to, not only would the 200 abuses be gone, but many of the sellers would be suspended permanently. Ebay does suspend repeat offenders.
This site would like eBay to BAN all "celebrity porn" items, and BAN home-made porn that does not state there's a model release "of age and consent." It would be helpful if Ebay's "Offensive Materials" rules applied to images such as the above. Right now, the people at eBay who check over "Offensive Materials" do NOT consider the above images OFFENSIVE. Amazing, isn't it?
But twits like Watson (or Goldie Hawn, or Kate Hudson or Tina Louise) aren't helping matters.
Don't just TWEET. Fight. Join the women who DO have VeRO reps. A VeRO rep can be anyone. Emma could assign a caring friend to do it. All that's need is authorization, not a law degree.
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