Saturday, December 10, 2016

EBAY - Where Rape Fantasy and Ex-Girlfriend Abuse is not "Offensive"

Make 2017 the year of RESPECT FOR WOMEN. YOU can help. 

Ebay does not consider gangbang fantasy, rape images, or selling "ex-girlfriend" nude photos WITHOUT CONSENT to be violations of their "Offensive Materials" rules.

Being an Internet giant, they also flaunt Federal Law, which states that pornographers MUST have statements of age and CONSENT for what they sell, and have it on file for inspection.

Go to EBAY.COM and scroll their "category" menu to "everything else: ADULT" and you'll find these items and worse:

Contact the United States ATTORNEY GENERAL and request that Federal Law be enforced on EBAY. Bring this problem to the attention of anyone in law enforcement, any women's group, any political group you think might be able to help. 

Contact, via Twitter or e-mail, California senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein and ask them to take action. EBAY's CEO (Mr. Wenig) and LegalCounsel(Ms. Marie Huber) have their headquarters in San Jose, California. These female Senators should be make sure that their constituents (including famous actresses, but also ANY "ex wife" or "ex girlfriend" are protected.

The more people who are made aware of this sneaky and illegal problem on eBay, the faster women will be protected. 

Contact your local Senator. Call up eBay's only phone number that accepts calls (this company is as secretive as the Scientology cult) and tell them "offensive materials" includes exploiting women without their knowledge or consent. 1 (866) 540-3229 

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