Monday, February 19, 2018

Lisa Bloom, Walter Mosley -- can you spell...EBAY?

Today's news involves Blac Chyna, who is upset because a porn video she made "leaked." 

Her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, screams that "posting explicit images without the consent of everyone in those images is a crime." 

Her other attorney, Walter Mosley, aks "why do we think it's acceptable to sell, or publish...or blackmail women this way and without their consent? 

So, Lisa and Walter, are you saying that Blac Chyna autographed THIS photo of herself? 

Odds are it's a forgery. After all, this seller just HAPPENS to have hundreds of autographed nude pictures of celebrities he's hidden in the "adult" area of eBay, and how many women go around autographing nude pictures and fake nude pictures of themselves? 

Lisa Bloom and Walter Mosley might want to consider a class action lawsuit on behalf of ALL women whose photos are being sold on eBay WITH NO MODEL RELEASE OF AGE OR CONSENT.

Or do they only work for high-priced celebrities who pay $1000 an hour? Does it mean Blac Chyna doesn't want to spend $1000 in billing hours to have the above item removed from eBay? 

And does that mean that they can't ask an intern or a secretary to spend TWO MINUTES and send in a DMCA on a Blac Chyna "signed" nude image? 

It's a FEDERAL LAW that pornographers MUST have a SIGNED MODEL RELEASE of AGE and CONSENT. You see this on every porn DVD, on every porn website, on every adult magazine on the newsstand: "All models are of legal age and signed forms are on file at our office." 

That's not the case with eBay sellers. Why doesn't Lisa Bloom and Walter Mosley call a press conference about this? They don't know? THEY DO NOW. 

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