It's why not sell a FAKE NUDE of NATALIE WOOD?
She's in the news. Her grieving sister Lana Wood was on Dr. Oz recently. Go ahead, sell a fake nude of NATALIE WOOD. And one on Lana, as well:
Would you believe it...after all this time, after #METOO and "TIME'S UP" and eBay STILL does not have a way of reporting offensive misogynist monsters like THIS guy?
Right now, the only options remain: use "REPORT ITEM" and send the auction link to "ADULT: NOT ALLOWED AT ALL" or "OFFENSIVE MATERIALS" and hope that somebody at eBay agrees with you.
Devin Wenig, the CEO of eBay is not as bad as Harvey Weinstein. IS HE?
Try calling up eBay 1 (866) 540-3229
You will get some happy-voiced fool in Pakistan somewhere, who will say "Not to worry," and agree with you, "This is against our policy." Next, "I will forward the complaint."
You say, "Why can't YOU remove this auction?" "Oh that's not my department. NOT TO WORRY. I will forward this auction to the right party." "Can I speak to the right party directly?" "NOT TO WORRY, our procedure is proper. And no, you can't call back and ask for ME personally. And no, I can NOT give you an email address or a follow-up complaint number..."
Which means that most of the time, the complaint you've called in will either NOT be forwarded at all, all be forwarded to someone who thinks that misogynistic abuses of women is OK. The auction will not be removed.
Who else is this seller currently abusing?
As well as:
Lynda Carter
Cindy Crawford
Elizabeth Hurley
Jaclyn Smith
Morgan Fairchild
Kate Upton
Heather Locklear
Loni Anderson
Sarah Michelle Geller
Sandra Bullock
Cassandra Peterson (Elvira)
Amanda Bynes
Natalie Dormer
Denise Richards
Victoria Principal
Hillary Duff
Sheree North
Christy Brinkley
Jeri Ryan
and the list goes on.
#METOO is the number of stupid, or uninformed women who have NOT YET CONTACTED to register (free) and be able to do takedowns on this crap.
EBAY should make sure that there's a REAL "report item" link that will instantly remove these illegal auctions that have NO MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT.
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