Friday, January 12, 2018


There's a term in boxing called "effective aggression." It's one thing to prance around screaming "ME TOO" or "JAMES FRANCO IS AN ASSHOLE."

It's another to lobby Senators like Kirsten Gillebrand to FORCE eBay to honor Federal Law and NOT allow fake nudes and nudes sold without CONSENT. Rose doesn't do THAT.

ROSE is big on Twitter, yapping about James Franco: 

Where is her VERO rep? A VERO rep (Verified Rights Owner) can be the artist herself, a friend, a manager...anyone with a signed letter of authorization. Rose should have somebody checking eBay's stinky "ADULT" section every week. Rose should take PRIDE in sending in DMCA's that can get forgers and perverts OFF the site. It is NOT "whack-a-mole." Once a seller is suspended, it's hard to get a fresh Paypal account and address and come back. And smart VERO reps can spot the returning frauds and instantly get them re-suspended. 

Isn't it OFFENSIVE to have a seller pretending to have Rose McGowan's autograph on stupid crap she would NEVER sign? This guy has a whole list of items like this. Sure, he walks up to Rose McGowan and Amy Watson with a set of stinky pictures, and says "Sign this, so I can make $50 on eBay with a header, "AWESOME TITS WOW." 

Jesus Christ. 

PS, Rose, you are an actress. Your nude scenes in movies were done because they were important to the MOVIE. Creeps shouldn't be doing screen caps of these scenes and selling you like this: 

The word for this is DISRESPECTFUL. 

Don't let the four syllables throw you. PROVE that you know what EFFECTIVE AGGRESSION means. Make sure this crap is OFF EBAY, and do what you can to convince your peers to have VERO representation, and to contact the FEMALE Senators in California to demand that EBAY stop the MISOGYNY. 

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