Here's AWESOME PHOTOS, who just posted dozens of "HOLIDAY SPECIAL" auctions. At $20 each, he's selling entire sets of photos degrading and humiliating all the top stars.
Let's just take a quick glimpse at stars named JULIA...
Hello GAYLE KING. You are telling the world how gutted you are about your colleague Charlie Rose touching a thigh or two, and stupidly walking around in an open bathrobe thinking it was a "subtle" way of showing he was attracted to a woman.
How do you feel about images like THESE, which totally and intentionally degrade and humiliate women, and do it for PROFIT. Do you think the CEO of eBAY is a bit creepier than Charlie Rose? Shouldn't the CEO of eBAY be making sure that a fan clicking "report this" and sending the image to OFFENSIVE MATERIALS or ADULT: NOT ALLOWED AT ALL, should see action?
Shouldn't these items be removed within 24 hours and the seller SUSPENDED if he does it again?
That doesn't happen on EBAY. If Julia Roberts has her lawyer send a DMCA to VERO@EBAY.COM her item will be removed, but the OTHER ITEMS (over 300) will stay. Why? Because the CEO of EBAY.COM does NOT RESPECT WOMEN.
THIS ABUSE SHOULD END. The "ADULTS ONLY" area of EBAY should NOT fester with woman-hating pervs who download crap off the Internet, Photoshop crap, and then PROFIT BY ABUSING WOMEN. Most of the time the items are sold as REAL, and sometimes the items ARE real, like "My ex-girlfriend" photos and "my ex-wife" sets and other REVENGE PORN.
EBAY should not allow ANY items like this when there's NO SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT. In that regard, they are violating FEDERAL LAW.
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