Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ebay open season on Gal Gadot, Emma Watson, even Celine Dion

There doesn't seem to be any overt Terms of Service NEW RULE banning "celebrity nudes" and "nude fantasy images." Still, eBay phone support will routinely tell you that such material is UNACCEPTABLE. Sort of like Harvey Weinstein on top of you. 

However, NOBODY seems to know where to report violations. Ebay phone support will vaguely agree that perhaps a report to "ADULT...NOT ALLOWED AT ALL" might be right, or "OFFENSIVE MATERIALS...other offensive materials." 

But if you wanted to report a KKK photo of a black man being lynched, or a Nazi atrocity photo of Jews being killed, you'd instantly go to "OFFENSIVE MATERIALS...KKK, Nazi Related." There is NO drop down menu for "Offensive Materials: Fake Celebrity nudes, photos of celebrities with no model release," etc. 

November 1st, and here are some weasels trying to offer the usual woman-hating items that should be BANNED the same way Jew-hating and Black-hating items are. Humiliating another person for profit is HATEFUL. The excuse is, what, that Gal Gadot is now rich and famous? 

The usual actresses are still being maligned, including Emma Watson, in both faked images and even "art" fantasies. After all, she's never appeared nude, made wholesome movies...that makes her the PERFECT target to defile. 

Do you think it's Celine Dion fans that THIS seller is trying to reach? No, more likely some woman-hater happy to see Celine Dion victimized by fake porn. Celebrity porn like this is about HATE, just as RAPE is not about sexual release but about HATE. This seller HATES Celine Dion, so takes it to a sexual extreme

Yeah, "AWESOME." The seller calls himself AWESOMEPHOTOS. 

Some immature, nasty, vicious weasels on eBay are no doubt the same cowards and criminals who slip a woman a roofie. That is, if they aren't too ugly and smelly to even go out on a date. 

Some of these juvenile delinquents are stuck on Taylor Swift, literally. Oooh, a MAGNET, done without licensing, and in violation of Federal Law that requires a signed model release of age and CONSENT. 

What was wrong with HARVEY WEINSTEIN? No CONSENT. Why doesn't EBAY understand this just a little bit better? 

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