A check of the women being abused and humiliated by eBay's fake-porn sellers, shows EMMA WATSON #1. Today, May 15th, and there are over 500 fake-porn photos degrading her. Including...
Ha ha ha.
The joke is that if somebody put up a "fantasy image" of Obama hanging from a tree, or a woman in a burqa being gang-banged, eBay would shut that photo down.
You can degrade WOMEN but not a race or religion. Got that?
Emma Watson is one of these idiots who skips around pretending to be a feminist, and a world-changer, and...biggest joke of all, INTELLIGENT.
If you let people sell pictures like this, you are nothing but an IDIOT. Worse than that, you are betraying your sisters. If Emma Watson shut down these auctions (which would take only a few minutes) it would help choke off the income on these sellers. If only a few different women complain, the sellers get suspended.
It's one thing to type in an actress's name and see rude pix of her via some sneering website in Putinville, but to see it on eBAY is an OUTRAGE. That jerks in New Jersey, Florida and Minnesota and elsewhere are making $10 or $20 each on this shit, is OBNOXIOUS.
That eBay supposedly has rules against "obscenity" and "offensive materials" and does NOT think this stuff qualifies, is BEYOND BELIEF. If you call up phone support and tell them what JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 is selling, or give them an auction number on any of the above, the person will say, "This is against our rules! I'm forwarding a complaint."
Then some pervy executive IGNORES the complaint. That's how EBAY operates.
What it takes, is women who respect their own bodies, who value their own dignity, and who will not simply skip around in a "pussy hat" and giggle, but behave like pioneers such as Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan, and take REAL ACTION.
What ARE you, Emma Watson? A stupid bint? That's what these photos are saying. Because YOU and your idiot managers and lawyers allow it. In the 21st Century, this is moronic. It's a betrayal to all women. There is no excuse for it.
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