Sunday, August 7, 2016


NOTE: to access the "ADULTS ONLY" area of EBAY, go to:
And type in ADULTS ONLY

NOTE: to send a takedown on an item you must be a VeRo rep. The hoop is only this: actress, agent, manager or friend signs a form saying they are authorized. After that, simply cut and paste the offending auction number and send to: 
Also see:

NOTE: currently eBay officially protects (via their "offensive materials" rule) material that glorifies NAZIs, KKK, etc. or humiliates or degrades racial or ethnic groups, but NOT WOMEN. 

What in the WORLD is wrong with EBAY?
Here's one seller with 3000 items this week in August of 2016, and ALL of them are visual rape.  

NONE of these photos are authorized.
The seller has NO signed form of age and consent on them.

This ONE seller has nearly 2,998 more of these, with hundreds of top stars being humiliated, degraded and abused for the sexual pleasure of EBAY BIDDERS, and the profit of EBAY. 

What will it take for EBAY to understand that WOMEN'S PRIVACY MATTERS? 

What will it take for EBAY to understand that in the real world, pornographers obey Federal Law and have a signed model release on file, and available to the FBI or law enforcement or anyone else who may wish to prosecute those who aid and abet rape?

This seller is "TOP RATED" on EBAY? Are you sure he isn't the "TOP RAPER" on eBay? 

Most open-minded people believe that it's "OK" if the eroticism is "between consenting adults." Well, look at those images of Britney Spears and Cher. They did not consent. The seller doesn't have signed agreements with them. 

"Nude Celebrity" images are just as bad as bestiality images and kiddie porn, both of which are against eBay rules. Ebay believes, as we all do, that bestiality and kiddie porn are wrong because there is no consent. The animals and children are being taken advantage of. Well, these faked-up nude images are of women who don't know they are being abused, have no idea there's a "secret" adults only area of eBay, and have NOT given consent. Sellers have to license celebrity images on product. When it's material this offensive and shocking, they most certainly should have to state, under penalty of perjury, that they DO have a signed document and that they can produce it. 

Who in their right mind doesn't see the logic of this? It seems that the CEO of eBay simply is not aware of this problem. It can't be that he CONDONES VISUAL RAPE. Can he? 

There are another dozen sexual predators on EBAY in their "adults only" section who are doing the same thing, but they only have 100 or 200 images. THIS guy has nearly 3,000:

This seller from SICKLERVILLE, New Jersey is currently abusing, among others:




And so many more.

The question here is whether the CEO of EBAY, or anyone else in authority, understands Federal law, or sees how the abuse in the "ADULTS ONLY" section has gotten so far out of hand.

Check some of the other links on his site, and you'll see more examples. 

Currently, eBay shrugs and says "We're JUST a venue" so it's up to Annette Funicello or Mary Tyler Moore to be alive, know there's an "adults only" section, look at the images, and report them.

This seller of course is abusing the most famous stars of today for his profit. He is about 56, and his partner in crime, she is about 61. You'd think they'd know better. But apparently retired and with nothing better to do, they download malicious Photoshop items, pretend they're REAL, and are thrilled to make about $8 profit on each one. 

Taylor Swift is one of the most notorious protectors of copyright and trademark, and yet her VeRO rep didn't notice NINETY Taylor Swift fake nudes in the "adult section." That's because the section is designed to be secretive, and word of mouth spreads to the most perverse and degenerate people: "This is where the GOODS are..." 

Even the dead are not safe from this seller (and others like him). He pretends Natalie Wood actually SIGNED a fake naked photo of herself. And YOU can have a copy for $10.99.

Several of eBay's lower level employees have admitted, "I am disgusted by these items. They are offensive to women. I wish I was in a position to do more. All I can do is "report" them and make note that there's been a complaint." 

Currently, an eBay seller who gets a takedown (and this seller has), is given "another chance" and then "another" and "another," as if he MIGHT have permission from the other celebrities he's visually raping and abusing. The VERO program (Verified Rights Owner program) does NOT have a specific number of complaints it needs before a seller is suspended.

What is needed is for eBay's "offensive materials" and "Celebrity materials" rules to be strengthened to include: "NO CELEBRITY NUDE IMAGES," and no images without a signed model release of age and consent. "Revenge porn" and images that humiliate celebrities for sexual pleasure should NOT be on EBAY.

Isn't EBAY better than this? Does EBAY really need the pimp money here? 

It seems that EBAY's CEO just doesn't know what's going on here, and complaints have not reached him. 

ALL that this site is aiming for is to call attention to the ABUSE OF WOMEN who are being secretly humiliated and abused. Any one of the celebrities above could be raped or killed by some nut who bought an image from JOHNSWELLSTUFF12 and thought "this is real, let me get some of this from her." 

NO woman should have her privacy invaded like this.   

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