The seller thinks it's OK to abuse Heidi Klum and Tina Fey with "cumshot" humiliation and porn images.
EBAY currently thinks it's ok for celebrities to be subjected to prurient "fantasy" (or "parody") images...even though their "offensive materials" policy protects against such things as "Michelle Obama Fantasy Hanging From a Tree" or "Great Nazi Atrocity Photos of Jews Being Tortured."
EBAY expects stars to know these images exist in a hidden area of the site?? If a fan discovers the abuse, how would that fan contact a star? Stars keep their contact information hidden...and EBAY does, too. EBAY's e-mail for "Office of the President" was removed. It was and then Now, nothing.
This is how misunderstandings happen. Surely EBAY does not condone the abuse of women. These images were done without consent and instead of thinking "the seller is always right," EBAY should BAN "nude celebrity" images, and make sure that sellers of pornography can state that they are offering published material (DVDs, magazines) from companies that have CONSENT forms on file.
Meanwhile, a seller is making money off this stuff:
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