Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Abusing women? Several EBAY SELLERS are now "taking a breather" on EBAY. Some permanently

Nice NOT seeing anything for sale from one of the more notorious eBay misogynists and photo thieves. This includes too_kool_kollectibles.  Typical of this weasel's work is this Paris Hilton item, which eBay removed. 

Ebay's catch-all phrase, which includes items voluntarily removed AND items they removed, is "the item is no longer available." They graciously pretend, sometimes, that the SELLER ended the item, which it was actually a bot that knocked off ALL the sellers items and put the seller on restriction.

NO items for sale from this person at the moment. That could mean a month's restriction or longer. The post below shows more of what this seller thought was "KOOL" to sell.

Also restricted: jpaulcelebphotos. As you see, NO items for sale at the moment: 

NO listings. Just how long is the RESTRICTION for these two jerks? Both were warned many, many times, and restricted before. They didn't learn then; will they learn NOW? 

And will PAYPAL make sure that if the sellers come back, it's not to list more abusive material in the sneaky hidden "Adults Only" section of eBAY? 

Material from this seller, as with too_kool_kollectibles  is all over this site. There are plenty of examples of their crassness. This seller has indeed been warned and warned many times. Hopefully this will be the LAST TIME. 

This is SOME of what J. Paul was doing a few weeks ago...a variety of scenes illegally screen-captured from movies, and invasion of privacy images.  

One eBay employee noted with a bitter chuckle, that this seller put "DO NOT COPY" on his images. After all, it was his "hard work" in downloading them off a sleazy internet forum, or taking some stolen AVI or WMV movie bootleg and doing a freeze-frame on any nude scene. 

SUSPENDED from eBAY, finally: MONX4 

Here are two examples of what this seller was doing: an invasion of privacy job on Kristin Chenoweth, and a Photoshop Fake on Angie Dickinson

"Too Kool" seller was abusing Anne Hathaway, Britney etc. And is now COOLED OFF

Nice NOT seeing too_kool_kollectibles selling this week. THIS seller as well as jpaulcelebphotos were reported for CONTINUED ABUSE of women.

BOTH sellers, previously warned, couldn't resist coming back off a suspension or a restriction in order to do the same thing all over again. 

This is some of the invasion-of-privacy images Mr. "TOO KOOL" was selling:

The seller also was offering plenty of movie still, Photoshop jobs and other images posted without any permission or model release or photographer's release. Such as...

Some of this seller's items appear on other pages here. The seller WAS restricted before. Hopefully, this time will be THE LAST TIME. No more warnings, no more restrictions, and NO MORE PAYPAL account to try and come back under another name. 

Natalie Portman - sneaky hidden camera pix on eBAY and forgeries, too


The woman has complained about problems with women's rights, and with stalkers.  

Here's EBAY saying "we're just a venue and we have NO idea if some jerk has forgeries or not, or is selling fake nudes. The star has to tell us." 

No, the STAR shouldn't have to hunt around the obscure and hidden "adults only" section of eBay and spend time on this crap. ANY fan of Natalie Portman, or common decency, should be able to report abuse like this and have it removed. 

The posts should be removed for being nude images with no model release of age or consent. Ebay should require hinky sellers like his to provide REAL documentation or, (this is their site and THEY make up the Terms of Service) simply say, "we don't believe these are real autographs. Get lost.") 

The two images (probably from one seller using TWO identities) are obviously NOT signed by Natalie Portman, but morons and stalkers don't know this. They see junk like this, and figure, "if Natalie poses naked all the time, and if she SIGNS hidden camera pix of her like that bottom beach shot, she MUST be a slut and be willing to do it with ME..." 

That's how situations get dangerous.

Ebay should come down STRICTLY on any seller of hidden camera and invasion of privacy pictures like THIS one on Natalie Portman: 

A star's responsibility? It would be helpful of Natalie Portman and other wealthy stars who can easily afford it, had an official website, or even a Facebook page put up by a responsible fan, so that problems can be reported. It's sad and potentially destructive, for stars to NOT KNOW about potential hazards to their safety. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Happy 97th Birthday to DORIS DAY, who did NOT POSE NUDE like EBAY SELLERS pretend

While Doris Day has not been in the limelight for a while, and doesn't often pose for pictures or do interviews, she's still a force.

She runs an animal charity, for one thing. 

It would be nice if she (among hundreds of others) had a VeRO rep to make sure that NOBODY was abusing her image, and that ANYONE selling dupe photos of her, and ANYONE putting her face on a mousepad or a t-shirt to make money for themselves, has to DONATE a percentage of the sales to charity. 

Strange isn't it, that nobody is telling eBay sellers, "Doris Day has a registered charity on eBay, and if you want to sell her image, you must allow eBay to automatically deduct 25% of a sale." Stranger, nobody has told perv sellers, "NO, you can NOT be a sickening fraud and offer Photoshop fakes on Doris Day and act like she posed that way." 

Up until she was suspended on April 8th, Patricia Crain was selling THIS image of Doris. Yes, a clean one, but NO, somebody who sells fake nudes, upskirt images and other invasion of privacy items, should NOT be allowed to profit from illegal violations of intellectual property. 

What celebrities don't know, is that often the person who is selling "ordinary" images of them in the "open" area of eBay, is ALSO selling PHOTOSHOP PORN images of them in the secret "everything else: adult" category of eBay, and/or selling PHOTOSHOP PORN, hacked photos, upskirt and telephoto invasion of privacy images of friends they know and love. 

Having a VeRO (Verified Rights Owner) rep on eBay is IMPORTANT. It can also be FREE. Anyone can be authorized to submit an auction number to eBay's VERO department. All they need is a signed letter of authorization, from the star or the star's agent or manager. The VeRO rep could be a fan, a relative or a friend. It doesn't involve lawyers, it just involves a "good faith belief" that the item infringes. 

The NOTORIOUS pkc is KAPUT - the more VeRO reps, the QUICKER the pervs get SUSPENDED

The good news: one of the worst offenders on eBay is NO LONGER A REGISTERED USER. 

The abuses of the witch named Crain, which are in several earlier posts, have FINALLY gotten her kicked off.

PAYPAL booted her long ago, but eBay didn't seem to think it was SO bad that she was selling upskirt images of Britney Spears, fake nude images, selling images of women for which she had NO licensing and NO permission, and NO model release of age and consent.

BUT...enough VeRO reps reported her to bring her DOWN.

Here she was, counterfeiting images of a murdered actress...but on Apr 8th, the sign went up with eBay's all purpose phrase: "ENDED BY THE SELLER BECAUSE THE ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE." 

Slowly,  copyright owners and intellectual property rights owners are getting respect. It's because enough of them take the time to send in DMCA's, and to push for STRONGER laws so that ALL websites MUST obey COMMON DECENCY.