....even illegal porn torrents don't like leaked celebrity porn videos? Don't think it's right for women to be abused? Don't want any part of material that doesn't have a model release of age or consent?
Here's a disclaimer that appeared a week ago at Pornbay:
Here's what they wrote:
After careful consideration, the staff of Pornbay have updated the Forbidden list to include the following:
Content Filmed/Photographed and Released without the participants consent - If the person wasn't intending to be filmed, and to have that video or photographs released for public viewing (either commercially or free), then it is not permitted on Pornbay.
This includes:
- Revenge Porn - Porn published purely to embarrass, harass, or otherwise cause problems for a ex-girlfriend/wife or boyfriend/husband
- Voyeur / Hidden Cam - Regardless of disclaimers, there is no way to verify for certain that persons are over 18 and that it was actually consensual so this content is banned
- Leaked / Hacked Content - This is content such as the fappening, again due to age and consent issues this content is not permitted on Pornbay anymore.
* * * *
How about that. PORNBAY, one of the very popular adult torrent sites where people can download (pirate) all the copyrighted sex vids they want, has enough morality to draw the line when there's no CONSENT.
It seems that at long last, a "report item" on eBay to "OFFENSIVE MATERIALS" gets obnoxious celebrity porn (as seen in posts over these many months) removed.
No, it's not "whack-a-mole." It's not a lost cause. As horrible as the Internet can be, it's not a complete jungle. Creeps may have to dig a little deeper to reach their foul level of perverse pleasure, but even sites already below the radar are coming around.
It seems, by an odd coincidence, that both THIS site, and EBAY, have arrived at the same conclusion at the same time: what CONSENTING ADULTS do is one thing. When there's no consent...don't condone it, profit from it, or allow it.
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