The list goes on. Famous women are being exploited, demeaned and degraded for PROFIT on EBAY, using PAYPAL.
Ordinary women are victimized by "revenge porn" and "my ex-wife" and "my ex-girlfriend" pictures sold in eBay's secret "adult" section.
Ebay's phone support (is 1-866-540-3229) has indicated that abusing women is "not allowed," and that includes fake celebrity nudes, hacked celebrity photos and revenge porn.
BUT...where can these items be reported? And how long does it take to get these misogynists to stop?
The headlines have SCREAMED about how actresses have had their images "leaked" and sold on the Internet...and that those who did it were arrested and jailed. Girls, not famous at all, have been subjected to nude photo abuse on Facebook and elsewhere. Ebay's posted "my ex-girlfriend" porn in their secret "adults only" section.
(You reach it by scrolling down the menu on the front page. It lists all the categories. Porn is under everything else-adult.)
FEDERAL LAW states that sellers of pornography must have CONSENT. It's about CONSENTING ADULTS. It's covered in: title 18 Sections 2257 and 2257a: all models, actors, actresses, any visual depiction or "sexually explicit conduct" MUST have a signed letter of age and consent.
Pornographers, far more ethical than EBAY sellers, not only have the signed documents on file, they make sure there's no doubt about it. A woman will usually be asked to pose with her driver's license, so that her real name and age are absolutely verified.
On eBay pedophiliac porn on Ariana Grande turned up recently:
Ariana Grande, STILL abused on EBAY? "Wonder Kid?"
Reporting it to PEDOPHILIA did nothing. How about that other faked shot? According to eBay phone support, it's POSSIBLE the item might be removed if reported as "OFFENSIVE MATERIALS" on the drop-down menu. Another category is "NOT ALLOWED AT ALL."
None of it worked. Ebay has "rules" and conveniently ignore them:
THIS IS THE PROBLEM: Weak DMCA laws, which Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer and many others are aware of, allow Internet websites to shrug and offer lame excuses. Like: "We have no idea what's on our site, and we're not obligated to check. We're not obligated to ask a seller if he's got permission to post nude pictures of Ariana Grande or to prove they aren't fakes."
Ebay's "report item" link does not respond back to say "Thank you, we are taking action. You can follow up with this Report Number."
Ebay's phone support will often admit, "We get so many complaints, we can't get to all of them. Try again. Report it again."
How about THIS faked up picture that pretends to be leaked/stolen/hacked off Emma Watson's phone?
NOT removed. In fact, it sold out and was re-listed.
Did you notice the last line? "100% REAL."
No. It is NOT. But DMCA law is on the side of EBAY. They don't "have" to ask the seller if it's real or to prove it. All they have to do is respond if Emma Watson sees it and sends in a complaint. That's all.
In other words, all women are at risk because eBay is NOT telling their sellers to stick with CONSENSUAL porn, and stop the celebrity fakes, the celebrity leaks, the "ex-wife photos" and the revenge porn.
What will it take before EBAY adds a drop-down menu link on "REPORT ITEM" that specifies: "Abuse: no model release, no authorization to use this woman's image."
When several people were arrested for hacking and leaking celebrity material, EBAY seemed to panic a little, and suspended several very notorious sellers: JOHNSWELLSTUFF12, CELEBARTS and vintage_art_paper. A few others quickly removed all their celebrity porn material.
BUT...a few weeks later, it was back to apathy. Back to ignoring obvious abuse. NOT suspended notorious sellers like a dirty old man in Florida who calls himself "Alan Avery" (but that's just an alias.)
Warned countless times, but not suspended, this parasite will steal any photo he can get his hands on and grind it through his printer:
He also crawls all over the Internet, peeping into the sickest forums, and downloading Photoshop jobs others have he can sell his greasy little 4x6 copies.
Here's another dead woman Mr. Necrophilia wants to pimp photos on:
ALANAVERY doesn't are if the picture is real or phony. Lynda Carter? Grind it through that printer and snicker over making a few dirty dollars:
While ALANAVERY is a dirty old man, most of the parasites are younger. They are woman-haters who like the idea they are pimps, and making money off wealthy and successful women. They adopt fantasy names. Here's "The Joker," spelled "JoCur."
Here's another comic evil genius. He calls himself ABYSS.
Here's BADMAN" posting a Photoshop fake on Carly Simon:
Reports to eBay from various volunteers have shown items STILL on site after a week, despite complaints to "Offensive Materials" and "Not at all" and even phone support.
Recently, a high profile incident had people wondering if Rob Kardashian would be prosecuted for his "revenge porn," posting pictures of Blac Chyna on Instagram. At least he wasn't profiting from them, like THIS worthy, who stole a Lindsay Lohan invasion-of-privacy picture, and decided HE should copy it and make money:
The point of all this celebrity porn is to ridicule, degrade, demean and humiliate successful women. It is being done out of MISOGYNY. It's being done because these women are envied and hated.
How long has it been since George and Laura Bush left the White House? That isn't stopping this Photoshop creep on eBay from selling dozens of images, including:
WILL politicians demand stronger DMCA laws? Will PAYPAL and EBAY police themselves better to avoid being shut down and prosecuted for violation of FEDERAL LAW?
Sellers on eBay are predators. "Badman" for example, freeze-frames any nude scene in any COPYRIGHTED movie, to get a moment when an actress is nude. Then he sells it. It's no longer part of a movie, where the nude scene involved a character in a legitimate work of thoughtful artistry. It becomes...NICOLE KIDMAN NAKED!
That's not how Kidman presented herself in the movie. Images stolen from copyrighted movies and copied off to humiliate women should NOT be allowed. It shouldn't be up to Kidman or her studio to find this junk in a secret area of eBay. Any fan who sees it should be able to report it and get it removed, and not worry, "wlll "offensive materials" think it's offensive, will "not allowed at all" apply in this case? Will this report end up in front of a misogynist at eBay who would rather protect a seller than do the right thing?"
"BADMAN" should not be on eBay with this:
Is that stolen image a serious review of a movie? Does it even indicate this is a scene from a movie? "NICOLE KIDMAN...FULL BUSH."
Photos from a woman's past can come back to haunt her. Somebody finds a nude image, and decides to profit from it. Cassandra Peterson, now known for her chalk-white make-up and black wig and "Elvira" character, gets exploited by a stranger, for profit:
1. EBAY needs to have a drop-down menu category that specifically addresses NON-CONSENT and exploitive images of celebrities, "ex-wives" and others who have not signed a model release.
2. PAYPAL needs to understand the seriousness of aiding and abetting and profiting from those who break Federal Law.
3. Politicians need to push for stronger DMCA laws to make sure NO Internet websites can get away with apathy. Websites need to be held accountable. They should respond to red flags and request problem sellers show PROOF of permission.