Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ASHLEY JUDD, the feminist: USED by EBAY SELLERS via Fake Nudes

It would be helpful of Ashley Judd, or some other feminist actress with a lot of influence, would put in a call to eBay and ask why THIS is allowed:

Shouldn't pictures like this require a seller to state, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, that they have signed model releases of age and consent? And shouldn't those model releases be included in the ad?

At the moment, eBay will remove an item like this if Ashley Judd or a representative asks...provided THEY fill out a form stating that the material is NOT authorized. (vero@ebay.com)

We believe that no stars, and no women (the ones on those "500 hot chicks on a CD-R" items loaded with material stolen from "revenge porn" websites) should have to jump through eBay hoops.  FEDERAL LAW:

Title 18, Sections 2257 and 2257A: all models, actors, actresses, performers and/or other persons who appear in any visual depiction or “sexually explicit conduct” (as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. §2256). 

Sellers MUST have a signed model release stating age and consent. Where in these ads, is Judd's signature on a document stating she has agreed to the sales of the photos, and that the photos are compliant with Title 18, Sections 2257 and 2257a of Federal Law? 

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