EBAY is "just a venue" so aside from some basic word filters (to avoid rude ethnic curses or the blatant sale of guns or drugs) they'd rather not spend a lot of money on filters.
In the "general" section, one seller who has been served with DMCA's for abusing several actresses via dupe photos without their permission, has posted about 80 nudes. Despite the DMCA's and getting stopped over and over, the seller is still on site.
Instead of thinking, "I better behave and NOT post nude pictures anymore," the seller's attitude is "I'll keep doing it, and I'll only remove ones if they're reported. What's eBay going to do? Suspend me?"
How about doing JUST THAT, eBay? Capturing a grotesque screen-cap image of Susan George being sexually assaulted in a film, a stolen frame from a movie where Lisa Bonet is sleeping, or a near pedo picture on Julie Delphy are not the marks of a moral ethical eBay seller, Right?
What about swiping a nude moment in a Meryl Streep movie and isolating it and selling it as HER in her private life? What about posting a screen-cap from a copyrighted movie involving Valerie Perrine? The woman is DEAD. It's a big of necrophilia now, isn't it?
Meanwhile, another seller has used multiple identities on eBay and eBay knows it. They still let this COUPLE (an old man and wife) keep right on selling fake nude images on Raquel Welch, despite a long list of stoppages. Why?
The seller is, yes, using TWO different identities above: agentofhorror and my007stuff, and has had three or four others. Meanwhile, as there is no honor among thieves, the same fake image is being sold by a different eBay parasite, who who, yes, has been stopped over and over for abusing celebrities. Ebay has no fixed policy on how many times a seller can violate rules and humiliate women before there's a temporary or permanent suspension.