Monday, December 30, 2019

Demi Moore, Jodie Foster, Liv Taylor and more - invasions and victimizations on EBAY

Does it EVER stop? 

EBAY says "we're JUST a VENUE," so YOU have to tell THEM when you spot blatantly illegal material. 

Here's a weasel in Texas who steals screen captures from the Internet and grinds them through a printer using photo paper. Fake images or stolen images off a cell phone or a freeze-frame of a copyrighted movie -- he could care less. He wants his beer money. $5.95 for a picture of some movie star's "bush and tits" is what he does between what, robberies, stealing social security checks out of the mail box, doing drug deals? 

Ebay should make sure that the sellers representing the site aren't CREEPS. 

His penny-ante games lead to stalkers, unwanted phone calls and letters, and all kinds of creeps haunting the likes of Demi Moore, Jodie Foster and others.

Woman-hating jerks like this redneck moron love the idea of pimping stolen and faked photos. They think they're pimps, with a "harem" of 50 or 100 or 200 photos they can sell. Part of THIS lowlife's harem:

Perhaps he got caught by Charlize Theron's VeRO rep and Suzanne Somers' VeRO rep, so he sneaks the auctions as "Charl" Theron and Suzanne "Sumers?" Or is he just a brain-dead hillbilly who can't spell? 

It's still hit and miss for an outraged fan reporting a scumbag like him using "REPORT ITEM." 

Depending on if it's reported to "Offensive Materials" or "Adult: Not Allowed At all" the auctions might be gone in 4 days, or a week...or NOT AT ALL.

Then the fan must try "REPORT ITEM" again, or call eBay. Even then, the person on the phone might say, "Yes, that's against our rules," but admits having NO power to stop the auction. "Not to worry," the phone support in Guam recites, "I will pass the information along." To WHO? Anyone you actually know by name? "Not to worry, I will pass the information along! Thank you for taking the time to make this call!" 

The bottom line is that eBay should be doing better to block these auctions, and should make sure the people who read "REPORT ITEM" complaints know the rules and don't just toss a report in the trash. 

It would be helpful of all actresses had a VeRO rep. The best way to get action is to send a DMCA to the VeRO department via email. The item is gone in 24 hours, and with luck, and the reports of two or three VeRO reps, the seller gets suspended. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019


"Eugene" answering the phone at eBay, looked at the photo of Maria Sharapova. THIS one: 

"NO, that's not allowed," he said. Ebay has a "report item" button, and for an item like this, you are supposed to report that it is ADULT...NOT ALLOWED AT ALL. 

EXCEPT...eBay's various "Report Item" employees, who seem to be in the Far East mostly...India, Guam, Pakistan....are "overworked" and perhaps undertrained. So this item, which has been reported for the past FOUR MONTHS, has never been removed. 

"I see...this seller..." has been suspended. Has had another alias suspended. Has been reported to the VeRO (verified rights owner ) department of eBay dozens of times. Has been BANNED from using PAYPAL. 

But the Sharapova picture has yet to be removed and the seller has hundreds more. "Eugene" said he would forward this problem. That was a few weeks ago. Forward it to WHERE? 

"Eugene" had no answer for that. Like all the people who answer phones at eBay, he just...answers phones. 

As to eBay item number: 383122463020 - the fake Sharapova picture, well, it WOULD be removed if Sharapova had a rep who was aware of the problem and wanted to take three minutes to cut and paste the auction number onto an email form. 

Meanwhile...even as eBay and its sellers make money off fake nudes, invasion-of-privacy images, nude "housewife" and "amateur" photos with NO model release of age or consent, and nude images of celebrities stolen out of frames of movies ("screen captures"), here's the world of DEEP FAKES on the INTERNET: 

There's a law now in California against DEEP FAKES. There are Federal Laws stating that pornographers MUST have signed model release of age and consent. 

Who is enforcing these laws? Who is shutting down celebrity "JIHAD" and 4-Chan sites that chortle over their fake nudes, don't bother to say which images might be real, or why they are invading any woman's privacy with this junk. 

It took two years for a chid pornography website to be shut down and its owner prosecuted. Really? 

At the moment on a typical site, Taylor Swift (or rather, her head) is singing "Look What You Made Me Do" to what DEEPFAKE artists have made her do: hardcore porn. You'd think the powerful Ms. Swift would have a legal team able to take down the website on the simple grounds of unauthorized use of her song. It hasn't happened yet. Perhaps a reason is that the website is run by some crumb in Croatia, and the Ambassador to Croatia is too busy Tweeting about a lunch he ate? (Check the Ambassador of Croatia's Twitter feed and see what a complete waste of space this bald fat asshole is). 

Google which claims to fight deepfakes, actually does its best to preserve them, and every other copyright abuse and trademark abuse and rape of intellectual property. They ignore DMCA's. They have no phone number. They have templates that make it impossible to send anything in, and if one does, it comes bouncing back: "Form was not filled out correctly." With no information on what went wrong. That's GOOGLE.

What can be done? The people elected to serve us need to ignore the lobbying of Google, and the bullying of Wikipedia and the raging of Bezos' Amazon and the arm-twisting of eBay and pass more laws to hold websites accountable and to have ICE or other agencies take over these sites and knock them offline. 

As for eBay, the quickest and most efficient way to get action is through the VeRO program. Prominent women need to appoint somebody (it doesn't have to be a lawyer) to be a VeRO rep and take the few minutes needed to send in a DMCA. 

Unfortunately, this is still not going to prevent the AVERAGE WOMAN from being a victim of revenge porn, or of having her pictures stolen off her computer and sold via print-out on eBay. Should every woman who ever posed nude for a boyfriend or husband be checking EVERY eBay seller in the sneaky "ADULT" section of the site to see if their photos are for sale? NO. 

Ebay should disallow any non-professional images, and sales from jerks who are running pictures through computer printers and have no signed model release. ALL eBay sellers should be selling material professionally made by willing participants, and not "found" images or "housewife" or "amateur" material that looks (and usually is) stolen off websites or scanned from magazines. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Despite FEDERAL and STATE LAW ... EBAY lets a ROACH Crawl through the CRACKS?

The predator sociopath in New Jersey has been VeRO stopped again and again, and had one of his several seller names SUSPENDED. He's been suspended under THIS name, too.

PAYPAL cut him loose. Look at the ads. He can only sell via money order or check. And yet...EBAY continues to allow this New Jersey pervert misogynist to sell his cheap $3.99 dupe counterfeit photos that are AGAINST many different Federal and State laws, as well as eBay Terms of Service. 

This seller's garbage was reported here back on May 13 and the bastard IS STILL ABUSING WOMEN? Check the post for ALL THAT SLITHERS. 

There is no model release of age or consent. The seller is engaging in counterfeiting. The seller is offering PHOTOSHOP FAKES that are "dark web" perversions. The seller is already a known sexual predator who has been suspended. Anything else? Plenty. Just a sample of what this creep is up to: 


It's not just famous "they asked for it" celebrities who are being abused. Who is to say that this woman and this man aren't the victims of "revenge porn" and stolen property? 

How nice...FOR THE SELLER, if he can make money while abusing his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. The nude pictures he posed for? Now everyone can see. 

The law is set up to protect people. Legitimate porn websites and adult magazines keep the MODEL RELEASE on file. One must be of legal age, and one must consent, to appear in porn. Not so on eBAY, where sellers should be routinely checked for having model releases. 

It is not enough to say "she's over 21." DID SHE CONSENT? 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Raquel Welch never posed naked, but EBAY sellers pretend she did

Did you know that FACEBOOK has filters that recognize NUDE images? 

EBAY is "just a venue" so aside from some basic word filters (to avoid rude ethnic curses or the blatant sale of guns or drugs) they'd rather not spend a lot of money on filters.

In the "general" section, one seller who has been served with DMCA's for abusing several actresses via dupe photos without their permission, has posted about 80 nudes. Despite the DMCA's and getting stopped over and over, the seller is still on site. 

Instead of thinking, "I better behave and NOT post nude pictures anymore," the seller's attitude is "I'll keep doing it, and I'll only remove ones if they're reported. What's eBay going to do? Suspend me?" 

How about doing JUST THAT, eBay? Capturing a grotesque screen-cap image of Susan George being sexually assaulted in a film, a stolen frame from a movie where Lisa Bonet is sleeping, or a near pedo picture on Julie Delphy are not the marks of a moral ethical eBay seller, Right? 

What about swiping a nude moment in a Meryl Streep movie and isolating it and selling it as HER in her private life? What about posting a screen-cap from a copyrighted movie involving Valerie Perrine? The woman is DEAD. It's a big of necrophilia now, isn't it? 

Meanwhile, another seller has used multiple identities on eBay and eBay knows it. They still let this COUPLE (an old man and wife) keep right on selling fake nude images on Raquel Welch, despite a long list of stoppages. Why? 

The seller is, yes, using TWO different identities above: agentofhorror and my007stuff, and has had three or four others. Meanwhile, as there is no honor among thieves, the same fake image is being sold by a different eBay parasite, who who, yes, has been stopped over and over for abusing celebrities. Ebay has no fixed policy on how many times a seller can violate rules and humiliate women before there's a temporary or permanent suspension. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Ebay is plagued with forgeries. 

Thanks to Photoshop, it's easy for anyone to copy off a signature on a white card or white background of a photo, and spit that image onto a photo via an inkjet printer.

It's also easy enough for anyone with some artistic talent to project and reasonably trace the autograph onto a photo using a Sharpie pen. 

Then we have the forgers who count on people having NO idea what the REAL celebrity signature looks like, and TRUSTS that someone on EBAY is HONEST. Ho ho. 

It gets MUCH MORE ODIOUS when the EBAY weasels want more money for signatures on photos that the women are NOT LIKELY TO SIGN. 


Let's compare to a photo SOPHIA would actually be willing to sign for a fan: 

Now let's take a closer look at one of the nudes and one that the dealer got in person (and which Sophia added a few extra words to). The two signatures DO NOT LOOK REMOTELY ALIKE. 

Now, the same seller who offers the nude SOPHIA LOREN images, just HAPPENS to have NUDE images of a dozen other celebrities. Yes? He went around to all these difficult-to-find celebrities, shoved nude images of them (some obviously Photoshopped) and they signed them all? How unbelievable. All the dealer is saying is he's including a (worthless) COA.  A "certificate of authority" is meaningless unless it comes from a reputable autograph company. 

Here's the seller's ASHLEY JUDD: 

Let's take a look at how Ashley signs a nice, normal picture of herself: 


EBAY and PAYPAL state in their "terms of service" that they can suspend a seller FOR ANY REASON. They are both private companies and they can do anything they like to preserve their integrity. 

It is understandable that these companies can't possibly check every seller and every auction, so they rely on reports being sent in. This isn't easy on EBAY because they simply have a "REPORT ITEM" hot link where you can only send them the auction number and you can't do the above...send them photos for comparison. 

Is it any wonder that the forgers are making a fortune? 

This page will be UPDATED if and when the seller of the SIGNED NUDE IMAGES is suspended. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019


What can you say? Sexual predators NEVER change. 

They are sociopaths. They are relentless. If you LET them, they will OFFEND, again and AGAIN.

After giving him way too many chances and warnings, eBay finally suspended MONX4. The guy who did THIS to ANGIE DICKINSON via PHOTOSHOP: 

Can you imagine the kind of loser-creep who'd BUY a faked image like this? Dickinson needs to worry that a jerk is going to do a home invasion to make his fantasy real? Or send her an image like this to be autographed?

Unfortunately female celebrities get too many stalkers, too many people coming by and knocking on their door. Too many weird "fan letters." They don't need help from EBAY, and they don't need jerks in Syracuse New York making $7 grinding Photoshop fakes and fantasies to gratify themselves and their sicko customers. 

MONX4 was permanently suspended. So...he got a NEW identity and PAYPAL account, and came back. Was he being cautious now? Was he dialing back on the fake nudes and trying to blend in by merely selling unauthorized-but-clean dupe photos of celebrities? 

Guys like this get paid every time they abuse a woman.

Watchdogs who keep an eye on these jerks don't get paid, but there's more than enough satisfaction in reporting them and seeing them disappear. 

The job would be a lot easier if MORE intellectual property rights owners assigned VeRO reps on eBay, and assigned ones who are conscientious and keep folders and screencaps. 

Better to avert danger by suspending eBay sellers who are reckless, misogynistic sociopaths and sexual predators than to take chances with them, and let them profit, and let women be victimized. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019



He looks shifty, this EBAY CEO.

Somebody's put "SEXUAL PREDATOR" for a caption. 

It must be so? 

HERE is a picture of KATIE HOLMES. Or is it? It says KATIE HOLMES. 

It's a PHOTOSHOP job. 

It's just a bit creepy when a PHOTO is used to infer something that isn't true. Or a PHOTOSHOP job is used just so a creep in New Jersey can make four or five bucks. 

Calling DEVIN WENIG a SEXUAL PREDATOR and pretending KATIE HOLMES poses topless so strangers can sell her image...BOTH DANGEROUS. 

The difference is that on THIS site, you know that both captions are false. 

ON EBAY? The KATIE HOLMES image is being sold as REAL: 

This is not just obnoxious. It's DANGEROUS.

There are enough maniacs stalking famous women as it is. It's in the news all the time. Taylor Swift, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brooke Shields and so many others...needing court orders to keep the pervs away. Every day famous actresses get lewd email, lewd snail mail, obnoxious remarks aimed at their social media accounts. Do they need MORE? 

This guy in New Jersey who calls himself ALLTHATGLITTERS1  - - is he worried about somebody buying this Katie Holmes image, thinking it's real, and stalking her, raping her or killing her? 

Obviously not. THIS seller is a sociopath. A sexual predator. A dangerous deviant. PAYPAL  thinks so, that's why, if you notice, this seller can only ask for a check or a money order.

PAYPAL won't have anything to do with him.

EBAY? EBAY not only has allowed him to get and abuse multiple identities (collectiblejim is another), they have KEPT HIM and allowed him to post 3,000 images like this! 

They've done it DESPITE his record of VERO stoppages. Yes, VeRO (verified rights owner) reps for various actresses have sent DMCA's on this guy. He's STILL around. 

Ebay, not too efficient, has gotten many phone calls about this guy, and the people answering the phone agree: "Yes, this is NOT allowed on eBay...YES, I can see he has been warned many times..." But they add: "All that can be done is to forward your complaint to Trust & Safety and Risk Management..."

Who, for months and months and months now, have done NOTHING. WHY is that? 

Is it because DEVIN NORSE WENIG actually IS some kind of sexual predator? He LIKES to be a pimp and make money off creepy guys in New Jersey selling fake images of KATIE HOLMES?

Take another look at DEVIN NORSE WENIG. He sure looks capable of being CREEPY.


EBAY is a big website. It is a bureaucracy. Still, there is NO excuse why "REPORT ITEM" shouldn't be effective, why phone calls shouldn't be effective, or why somebody suspended by PAYPAL shouldn't have been suspended by EBAY long ago. 

DEVIN WENIG is not, at least as far as the media is concerned, a certifiable SEXUAL PREDATOR, PIMP or CREEP. Would he want a website to say that he is? 

NO. And NO women want PHOTOSHOP jobs done on them. They don't want to see movie scenes taken out of context and sold. They don't want hacked images or voyeuristic shots taken with a hidden camera SOLD ON EBAY. 

Hopefully THIS SELLER, who calls himself allthatglitters1 and has been illegally copying images, selling doctored images, and STEALING images to make counterfeits, will be GONE SOON. How SOON? Before one of his victims is raped or killed? 


How many of these images are authorized for sale?


Saturday, June 15, 2019

"ME TOO?" Are YOU or someone you know being SOLD on eBAY?

"Sold collector to collector." 

That convenient caveat on eBay actually means "I have NO rights to sell this" and usually, "What I'm doing is illegal." And perhaps, REVENGE PORN. 

When every pornography website and every adult DVD and magazine states they conform to FEDERAL LAW and have a model release of age and consent on file, EBAY pornographers DON'T. 

What they do is say "sold collector to collector" or say "models are over 18" but NOT, very definitely NOT..."models are over 18 and I have a signed model release that I can show you, with the model holding up her driver's license as proof." 

Did you know that most pornographers have this on file? Conforming to FEDERAL LAW, the file where they keep their records will not only have a SIGNED DOCUMENT stating the model consents, and is of age, but also a photo of the model holding up the driver's license that gives the REAL NAME and the AGE on it, and makes it easy to compare the model's photo and fake name in the porn world with the REAL stuff on the driver's license. 


DID SOME EX-BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND FLOAT THIS UP TO AN INTERNET WEBSITE where eBay parasites lurk, waiting to download and grind through a home printer on photo paper? 

EBAY has yet to address this issue, or declare in their rules that sellers MUST have a model release of age and consent on obvious recent photos (as opposed to some 1920 dirty postcard). 

What's the excuse here? This woman is a SLUT? This woman has some nerve posing for her boyfriend and doing a fantasy of being a men's mag model? So EVERYONE should be able to see her pictures? 

It's not just celebrities who are abused via hidden camera pictures and Photoshop jobs. ANY woman and EVERY woman is at risk. It's bad enough that rogue websites get away with it, offering images FREE while making money off banner ads and spyware. But for EBAY to do it, and allow any creep to download images and sell them...THAT is OBSCENE. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

OBSCENITY on EBAY - Emma Watson Abused

EBAY still has "glitches" with their "REPORT ITEM" system. 

Some days, their employees are "too busy" to check reports. Other times, they'll look at something and not think it's "offensive materials." Another day, and whoever checks for items reported as "adult material: not allowed at all" will shrug and allow it. 

One of the popular definitions of "obscenity" is "appealing to prurient interest." 

That's certainly the case with some creep who wants to not only imagine what a teenage "Harry Potter" star would look like naked, but draw huge breasts on her, imagine her walking around in public that way, and deciding to SELL THE IMAGES ON EBAY.