Tuesday, September 19, 2017

If You Like to Abuse Women on Ebay, you JUST might also be a NAZI

Ebay should know by now that people who like to degrade and humiliate women with faked nude images or leaked pictures that are an invasion of privacy...are sociopaths. Sex offenders. 

This isn't just about being some craven parasite who wants money. It's about people who get a thrill by being malicious misogynists.  

Some of them are so demonic about it, they come back on eBay over and over, or, like ALANAVERY, the dirty old man in Florida, they keep posting and posting and ignore every warning.    

It's not such a jump from hating women to being a NAZI.  

Here's a guy who loves selling faked-up pictures of any woman he hates or envies. 

If the celebrity has angry fans or a VeRO rep, this guy lists the photo as a "MYSTERY CELEBRITY," knowing that his sociopathic, woman-hating bidders will happily surf his list to see what other "goodies" he has. They'll pause at any lurid photo for a better look.  

So, who does this seller love and respect? 

Ebay sellers who indulge in woman hate, and sell pictures without a woman's WRITTEN MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT, are sociopaths, sex offenders, and WORSE. Is this seller a NAZI? Damn well looks that way.