Friday, August 18, 2017

TRI-HONDA tries to imagine ANNETTE FUNICELLO TOPLESS har har har

What's fun, Tri-Honda?

Is it driving a Honda, or is it jerking off to topless "fantasy" images of wholesome celebrities, living or, ha ha ha, DEAD?

"Alan Avery" is NOT the guy's name. The dirty old man in Florida grinds "fantasy" images he's stolen off the Internet. He scans pictures out of Playboy of any celebrity he can find, and figures Playboy isn't going to spend the time to find him and report him. 

His idea of a good time is to make itty-bitty (4x6) porn photos and mail them to other dirty old men and sleazy creeps and cretins. And TRI-HONDA endorses him.

What did you tell EBAY, Tri-Honda? "Hey, put our ads in the PORN area of your site. We want to appeal to the pervs. Oh, not just the ordinary pervs who want to buy a DVD with actresses who have signed model releases and were paid to perform. We're keen on guys like "Alan Avery" who STEAL "fantasy" images off the Internet and copy them. Because it's a big thrill to do something evil. What a turn-on, imagining a wholesome woman like Annette naked." 

Annette Funicello. Emma Watson. Taylor Swift. Carrie Fisher. In eBay's secret scum-zone, women who never posed nude are the high-prized big sellers. Yes, they can even be DEAD, like Annette and Carrie. That's not going to stop a dirty old man like "Alan Avery." 

And TRI-HONDA is telling EBAY, in essence, "We will actually PAY you to toss our ads on items that do not even involve CONSENT. Go ahead, put them on pictures of women who NEVER signed off on them, and in most cases have no idea they are involved in REVENGE PORN, or in porn that violates Federal laws." 

Federal law requires pornographers to have, on file, SIGNED CONSENT FORMS. Here's EBAY and TRI-HONDA helping a dirty old man make some sales illegally. 


What IS your thinking when it comes to abusing and degrading women, Tri-Honda?

Are you trying to appeal to the woman-haters out there, and the Internet bullies, and the hackers who think it's funny to steal photos of women and "revenge porn" that stuff all over the world? 

Yes, the Jennifer Lawrence pictures are out there, and unfortunately, always will be out there. But why are YOU people telling EBAY it's OK to put your ads on this stuff? 

WHY, Tri-Honda, are you aiding and abetting some sleazebag bastard on eBay in making money off an item that could and should send him to jail? 

Ebay has been SLOWLY teaching its employees that reports to "offensive materials" on items such as this SHOULD lead to the item being removed. That when a "report item" is submitted on an image such as this, whoever sees it agrees, "Yes, this is a violation of our Terms of Service." 

So why is EBAY putting TRI-HONDA ads on items in the adult porn section, and on items that involve photos for which there is NO SIGNED MODEL RELEASE OF AGE AND CONSENT?

What agreement does TRI-HONDA have with EBAY? "Hey, we'd LOVE it if you ran our ads in the sleaze section, where the ladies try to sell their stinky underwear, and try to get people to pay them for phone sex, and where creeps hawk their "fantasy" images of Annette Funicello and Taylor Swift and Emma Watson, and download and sell blatantly illegal material such as LEAKED photos stolen off somebody's cell phone."