Tuesday, September 13, 2016


A woman goes to the police. 
"I have been raped." 
The police nod. No question about it. 

"Get that man off the street so he doesn't do it again." 
The police shake their heads. 

"What we can do is ask the rapist not to fuck you again. If he does, he may get another warning. If he fucks you a third time, we may put him in jail for a week. If he does it again, we'll put him in jail for a whole month." 

And yet, that's what happens on EBAY.
A proven VISUAL RAPIST is allowed to keep doing it. 
If Emma Watson objects to being portrayed as a slut who wanders around naked...

...the seller can re-post that image again and again before any action is taken. That the image is also a pedophile image taken before she was 18, and that it's in violation of Federal Law because there's no signed model release of age and consent...STILL doesn't seem to matter to EBAY.

When a seller has done something so heinous as deliberate visual rape, and pretending a photo is REAL, and has been CAUGHT...shouldn't that seller cease and desist? Instead of posting 500 more images, shouldn't that seller now have to show proof of age and consent and licensing? 

The seller above was caught. And caught. And caught. SEVERAL prominent actresses told the VeRO (verified rights owner) program this man and wife in New Jersey were NOT authorized and had NO PERMISSION to sell these Photoshop jobs on them. 

On August 24th, a report was filed with PAYPAL, and shortly after that, the seller pulled all the items. It seemed that finally, justice had prevailed. 

Just why the seller, less than 3 weeks later, decided to sneak FIVE HUNDRED more into eBay's "adults only" section, nobody (as of this writing) knows. Hopefully the seller will finally be suspended.

Meanwhile, his visual rape list includes the Emma Watson image, and, despite her having lost her sister just a few days ago and being in mourning, Rosanna Arquette. 

Rapists. Visual rapists. It's the same motivation: sociopathic rage and hatred. That a MARRIED COUPLE do this is even more disturbing. The list goes on and on, including: 

Doesn't "NO" mean "NO?" When several women have alerted EBAY that there's a visual rapist preying on them, and on their sisters, shouldn't meaningful action be taken? 

When Federal law requires pornographers to have a signed statement of AGE AND CONSENT on file, shouldn't eBay's pornographers be doing that? 

Haven't we gone beyond the cynical "she was asking for it" excuse? What's going on here? Emma Watson, star of "Harry Potter" movies, is ASKING for it? 

If a woman is a celebrity, that means that her private photos can be hacked and tossed all over the Internet, and her emails leaked by people who get their jollies by invading privacy? 

The strange twist here, is that if a man worked at EBAY or PAYPAL and passed around a Photoshop job on a female co-worker, he'd be fired, and perhaps even arrested. But that courtesy and respect doesn't extend to women who are being SOLD on EBAY, with money collected by PAYPAL? 

Somebody on EBAY says "Here's hot pix of my ex-wife" "Here's my girlfriend naked" and no signed model release is needed? Someone says, "Here's Emma Watson...Selena Gomez...Tara Lipinski...Gabby Douglas..." all underage...and it's ok to profit off lewd pedophile images? It's up to Emma to know there's an "adult" section on EBAY and to go look at this stuff and report it? 

When one woman comes forward and says, "This is sex without consent," it should send a message of concern, not a shrug of apathy. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

EBAY: Selena Gomez Raped and Abused for "FUN" and PROFIT

It's called PEDOPHILIA. 

Selena Gomez was born July 22, 1992, and much of her fame, and many of the images of her, derives from work she did before she turned 18.

Do you suppose any of the EBAY SELLERS who like to imagine her raped or in bondage, have any statement of AGE and consent? Why doesn't EBAY demand it? 

Why is EBAY still holding meetings about what their rules should be on "offensive materials" or on sellers who have been stopped on certain celebrities, proven to be in violation, but are allowed to continue to abuse other women with rape fantasies, bondage, bukkake, "leaked" (stolen) images and Photoshop jobs presented as real? 

EBAY doesn't hide behind DMCA laws when it comes to Nazi memorabilia, promotional t-shirts sold to benefit the KKK, or even duplication of crime scene and disaster photos that appeal to prurient interest. Post shots of Nicole Simpson or Sharon Tate at their death scenes and it doesn't take a request from Nicole or Sharon's family to have it removed. 

But these images of Selena Gomez? Gomez's family, agent or manager has to know there's a "secret" area of EBAY for "adult" images, and then take the time to report it. Many don't understand that it doesn't take a $200 an hour lawyer to remove an auction. All it takes is someone authorized (it could even be the head of a fan club) and it takes exactly a minute to cut and paste an auction number onto an e-mail. 

And yet, over 200 Gomez items, many of them of her when she was underage, ALL of them without consent, and ALL of them with stolen "bottom half" porn images, are on EBAY right now.

If you know a celebrity and wish to become the VeRO rep to prevent this kind of abuse, you'll find information at:

The page looks like this: 

EBAY usually responds to problems that crop up. After Peter Braunstein assaulted a woman in Manhattan, they revised their position on allowing chloroform to be sold. Yes, some still try and sell it, but anyone who sees such an auction can report it and it'll be removed.

There is no reason at all for allowing women to be humiliated, have their privacy invaded, or be depicted as victims of rape or bondage. If there is no signed document of AGE and CONSENT, the item should not be posted. 

Sellers of professionally produced magazines and DVDs don't have to worry, the AGE and CONSENT provision is on the product. Not so with celebrity porn grinded through a printer, or "leaked" photos and the rest of it. 

Friday, September 2, 2016


The other day, Pamela Anderson, by many accounts a sweet and caring woman (and a PETA spokesperson) came out against porn. By her side was Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (whom Spellcheck wants to re-name Biotech. Thanks, lots.) 

Perhaps she will lead by example, and have someone be her VERO rep and remove the nearly 100 porn auctions EBAY is running without her consent. Stuff like:

It would also be helpful if Pam can persuade some of her famous female friends to ALSO have a VeRO rep remove auctions in the sneaky "adults only" area of EBAY. 

Additionally, Pam might want to make sure that ANYONE illegally duplicating her image, or making mousepads or t-shirts or decals and selling them on EBAY, CEASE AND DESIST...or...arrange with "eBay Charity" so that 50% of the profits go directly to PETA.