"Carrie roasting on an open fire, embers nipping at her nips..."
Somebody has a sick fantasy, has no signed model release of age or consent, is in violation of Federal law...and Ebay is going to look the other way.
The same seller has a treat for Emma Watson fans. You know Emma Watson...she recently gave a speech in which she spoke about women's rights. This led to threats to leak nude photos of her (real or faked). The nude photos have already been selling on eBay for years.
This problem could be easily solved. Ebay can and should declare a ban on "nude celebrity" images in their hidden "adults only" section.
These images don't involve "consenting adults." Professional pornography involves willing actors and actresses and photographers paid for their work. "Consent" forms are on file. This isn't the case with "nude celebrity" photos EBAY sellers grind through a home printer. Federal Law requires a signed release as per:
Title 18, Sections 2257 and 2257A, all models, actors, actresses, performers and/or other persons who appear in any visual depiction or “sexually explicit conduct” (as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. §2256).
See the FBI website:
These images don't involve "consenting adults." Professional pornography involves willing actors and actresses and photographers paid for their work. "Consent" forms are on file. This isn't the case with "nude celebrity" photos EBAY sellers grind through a home printer. Federal Law requires a signed release as per:
Title 18, Sections 2257 and 2257A, all models, actors, actresses, performers and/or other persons who appear in any visual depiction or “sexually explicit conduct” (as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. §2256).
See the FBI website:
Women have a right to say NO. They have a right to control how and where and when they are nude. They most certainly have a right to be protected against visual rape. That's what is going on with Ebay.
Ebay would not allow, as part of its "offensive materials" policy, a Photoshop of Jesse Jackson roasted over an open fire for the pleasure of bigots. But Carrie Fisher? For the pleasure of misogynists? Yes.
Ebay would not allow, as part of its "offensive materials" policy, a Photoshop of Jesse Jackson roasted over an open fire for the pleasure of bigots. But Carrie Fisher? For the pleasure of misogynists? Yes.
Ebay can do better. Ebay should do better. Ebay needs to follow the laws of America when it comes to what "consenting adults" can do. The key word: CONSENT. Where's the seller's signed contract with Carrie Fisher?